Poetry International Poetry International

Zeyar Lynn

Nothing else, but just a wil to live

There’s my beloved cat, Ping Ping.
There’re dead lice, dead nits & dead arrows at the front line.
There’s a multitude of lives in a world of wounds.
There’re plasters to redress those wounds.
There’s an anti-mosquito repellent.
There’s a God, having always been delayed, who insists,
“Tell me in advance.”
There’re cellophane boxes for take-away.
There’s this-actor-for-this-role in life.
There’s shooting from the back.
There’s a toddler clinging to her mother’s chest in a bullet.
There’re those who have never heard of nation-states. 
There’s a traditional spice that doesn’t go well with Ajinomoto.
There’s the media who knows the rights, but nothing else.
There’s you, of course.
There’s hunger.
There’s fumbling for the right characters on a computer keyboard.
There’s the will to survive. It doesn’t matter how.
My regal female cat Yomiya, Queen of the Household,
having had a spat with her last breath, screams,
“I will live on”
before she makes peace with the world & herself.
There’s no bottom line yet, but
it will be there.

Niets dan de wil om te leven

Er is mijn geliefde kat, Ping Ping.
Er zijn dooie luizen, dooie neten & dooie pijlen aan het front.
Er is een veelheid van levens in een wereld van wonden.
Er zijn pleisters om die wonden te helen.
Er is muggenwerend middel.
Er is een God die altijd te laat komt en aandringt:
“Vertel het me van tevoren.”
Er zijn cellofaandozen voor meeneemmaaltijden.
Er is die-acteur-voor-die-rol in het leven.
Er zijn schoten in de rug.
Er is een dreumes die aan moeders borst hangt in een kogel.
Er zijn mensen die nog nooit gehoord hebben van natiestaten.
Er is een oud kruid dat niet goed past bij Ajinomoto.
Er zijn media die de rechten kennen, maar verder niets.
Jij bent er, natuurlijk.
Er is honger.
Er is het zoeken naar de juiste letters op een toetsenbord.
Er is de wil om te overleven. Het maakt niet uit hoe.
Mijn vorstelijke kat Yomiya, koningin van het huis,
die ruzie had met haar laatste ademtocht, schreeuwt:
“Ik leef door.”
Voordat ze vrede sticht met de wereld & en zichzelf.
Er is geen slotregel, maar
die komt er wel.


Nothing else, but just a wil to live

There’s my beloved cat, Ping Ping.
There’re dead lice, dead nits & dead arrows at the front line.
There’s a multitude of lives in a world of wounds.
There’re plasters to redress those wounds.
There’s an anti-mosquito repellent.
There’s a God, having always been delayed, who insists,
“Tell me in advance.”
There’re cellophane boxes for take-away.
There’s this-actor-for-this-role in life.
There’s shooting from the back.
There’s a toddler clinging to her mother’s chest in a bullet.
There’re those who have never heard of nation-states. 
There’s a traditional spice that doesn’t go well with Ajinomoto.
There’s the media who knows the rights, but nothing else.
There’s you, of course.
There’s hunger.
There’s fumbling for the right characters on a computer keyboard.
There’s the will to survive. It doesn’t matter how.
My regal female cat Yomiya, Queen of the Household,
having had a spat with her last breath, screams,
“I will live on”
before she makes peace with the world & herself.
There’s no bottom line yet, but
it will be there.

Nothing else, but just a wil to live

There’s my beloved cat, Ping Ping.
There’re dead lice, dead nits & dead arrows at the front line.
There’s a multitude of lives in a world of wounds.
There’re plasters to redress those wounds.
There’s an anti-mosquito repellent.
There’s a God, having always been delayed, who insists,
“Tell me in advance.”
There’re cellophane boxes for take-away.
There’s this-actor-for-this-role in life.
There’s shooting from the back.
There’s a toddler clinging to her mother’s chest in a bullet.
There’re those who have never heard of nation-states. 
There’s a traditional spice that doesn’t go well with Ajinomoto.
There’s the media who knows the rights, but nothing else.
There’s you, of course.
There’s hunger.
There’s fumbling for the right characters on a computer keyboard.
There’s the will to survive. It doesn’t matter how.
My regal female cat Yomiya, Queen of the Household,
having had a spat with her last breath, screams,
“I will live on”
before she makes peace with the world & herself.
There’s no bottom line yet, but
it will be there.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère