Poetry International Poetry International

Zeyar Lynn


In the communist country of God
The peasants are reinstating Jesus Christ

Three peasants, half-naked 
Jesus in a loincloth 

His statue on bent knees, leaning against a peasant
The second peasant, inserting His left arm 
Into the left arm hole, as if He were a man

The third one popping out of an old building
Righteously shouldering His whole right arm 

There are at least 45 million Christians in China today
Claims Newsweek, May 16, 2004

As the country’s economy takes off
This occidental Godism 
(The spectre that has haunted Europe)
Has emerged from the underground chapels
It has waded through the daylight
The Son of God in human pain 
In bloody crown of thorns for centuries 
His neck broken, His head tilted to the right
As if He has just come back from a forced labour camp.
(Shall we put Him back on the cross in the hall of fame.)

To shepherd black sheep
To save souls
To spread God’s utterance, God’s red dogma 
All over the world.

Holy Father
The Saviour of the faithful 
Sunday is for you
The other six days are for the people
For the party 

The country of God’s crucifix 
Onward you march Christian mercenaries
The proletarian red of people’s China.




In the communist country of God
The peasants are reinstating Jesus Christ

Three peasants, half-naked 
Jesus in a loincloth 

His statue on bent knees, leaning against a peasant
The second peasant, inserting His left arm 
Into the left arm hole, as if He were a man

The third one popping out of an old building
Righteously shouldering His whole right arm 

There are at least 45 million Christians in China today
Claims Newsweek, May 16, 2004

As the country’s economy takes off
This occidental Godism 
(The spectre that has haunted Europe)
Has emerged from the underground chapels
It has waded through the daylight
The Son of God in human pain 
In bloody crown of thorns for centuries 
His neck broken, His head tilted to the right
As if He has just come back from a forced labour camp.
(Shall we put Him back on the cross in the hall of fame.)

To shepherd black sheep
To save souls
To spread God’s utterance, God’s red dogma 
All over the world.

Holy Father
The Saviour of the faithful 
Sunday is for you
The other six days are for the people
For the party 

The country of God’s crucifix 
Onward you march Christian mercenaries
The proletarian red of people’s China.


In the communist country of God
The peasants are reinstating Jesus Christ

Three peasants, half-naked 
Jesus in a loincloth 

His statue on bent knees, leaning against a peasant
The second peasant, inserting His left arm 
Into the left arm hole, as if He were a man

The third one popping out of an old building
Righteously shouldering His whole right arm 

There are at least 45 million Christians in China today
Claims Newsweek, May 16, 2004

As the country’s economy takes off
This occidental Godism 
(The spectre that has haunted Europe)
Has emerged from the underground chapels
It has waded through the daylight
The Son of God in human pain 
In bloody crown of thorns for centuries 
His neck broken, His head tilted to the right
As if He has just come back from a forced labour camp.
(Shall we put Him back on the cross in the hall of fame.)

To shepherd black sheep
To save souls
To spread God’s utterance, God’s red dogma 
All over the world.

Holy Father
The Saviour of the faithful 
Sunday is for you
The other six days are for the people
For the party 

The country of God’s crucifix 
Onward you march Christian mercenaries
The proletarian red of people’s China.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère