Poetry International Poetry International

Ali Abdolrezaei


Her hands   down in the photograph 
I held with both hands
When she got up
she didn’t say thank you
“May I walk with you?”
Didn’t say no
I held her hands
We walked like a spectacle
“Aren’t you married?”
She didn’t say
“Won’t you?”
Didn’t say no!
We did!
Days were passing as the wind
and nights were no longer than seconds
We were two lonely photos
that the world wanted to expel from the album
It did! You don’t believe me?

Tonight when I’m sleeping in another photo
pay that album a visit
open the fridge door in that shot
and help yourself
to whatever
“Sorry!  We only have sausages”



دست هایش را که در عکس افتاده بود     دو دستی گرفتم
وقتی که پا شد تشکّر نکرد
«می توانم با شما قدم بزنم؟»
نگفت نه
دست های او را می گیرم
و بر عکس راه می رویم
« کسی را که در چشم های تو مخفی کردند
هر چه می گردم        بیشتر گم می کنم
راستی        شما عروسی نکرده اید؟»
نمی گوید
« نمی کنید؟»
نگفت نه!
روزها مثل باد می گذشت
و شب چند ثانیه بیشتر نبود
ما  دو عکس تنها بودیم
که دنیا می خواست    از آلبوم بیرون‌مان کند
کرد!        باور نمی کنید!؟
امشب که در عکس دیگری خوابیده ام
سری به آن آلبوم بزنید
و از یخچالی      که درش را درعکس باز می کنید
هر چه می خواهید
« ببخشید!          فقط کالباس داریم»


Her hands   down in the photograph 
I held with both hands
When she got up
she didn’t say thank you
“May I walk with you?”
Didn’t say no
I held her hands
We walked like a spectacle
“Aren’t you married?”
She didn’t say
“Won’t you?”
Didn’t say no!
We did!
Days were passing as the wind
and nights were no longer than seconds
We were two lonely photos
that the world wanted to expel from the album
It did! You don’t believe me?

Tonight when I’m sleeping in another photo
pay that album a visit
open the fridge door in that shot
and help yourself
to whatever
“Sorry!  We only have sausages”


Her hands   down in the photograph 
I held with both hands
When she got up
she didn’t say thank you
“May I walk with you?”
Didn’t say no
I held her hands
We walked like a spectacle
“Aren’t you married?”
She didn’t say
“Won’t you?”
Didn’t say no!
We did!
Days were passing as the wind
and nights were no longer than seconds
We were two lonely photos
that the world wanted to expel from the album
It did! You don’t believe me?

Tonight when I’m sleeping in another photo
pay that album a visit
open the fridge door in that shot
and help yourself
to whatever
“Sorry!  We only have sausages”
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère