Poetry International Poetry International

Ali Abdolrezaei


I am not Jewish
But call you El
Don't know Hebrew
But I’m sure
Your family name is no other than Auschwitz
Your bosoms
Two heaps of corpses
In the Armenian genocide
Between your thighs
Two Daeshies at the back of your truck
On the front
     the Taleban in ambush
Your figure tortures language
Brings famine to Bobby Sand's belly
And food goes on hunger strike
If you don't come
Like a tsunami to my Fukushima
Your mouth
A nuclear power plant
It exhales
Radioactive effluents
And I
   the wreck of Chernobyl
On whose face in Chinese
You just wrote one word 
Your beauty made me speechless
Tortured my Persian
And massacred the Green movement
After sending Saddam to Iran
Your slender neck
is the Strip of Gaza
Slenderer still
at the hands of its settlers
Even my exile
That forced me to stay
In England without you
Was caused for you
Your beauty has ruined me
And even though
I don't know Japanese
I'm sure
The translation for your eyes
Is Hiroshima



من یهودی نیستم
اما صدایت می‌زنم ال
عبری نمی‌دانم
ولی مطمئنم
نام فامیل تو جز آشویتس نیست
دو پشته کشته مرده
در نسل کُشیِ ارامنه
بین دو رانت
دو داعشی  پشت وانت
پیشِ تو طالبان  پنهان است
اندامت شکنجه‌گاهِ  زبان است
قحطی در دلِ بابی ساندز
و اعتصاب می‌کند غذا
اگر تو نیایی
مثل سونامی به غارتِ بادام
رآکتورِ نیروگاه
موادِ  رادیواکتیو
و من خرابه‌ای در چرنوبیل
که بر صورتش چینی
تنها نوشته‌ای بینی
زیبایی تو بی‌رحم است
فارسی را چنان هلاک کرده‌ای
که در هر قرار ...دادش  درآمد  سرِ  ترکمانچای
و زلزله آمد در بم
بعد از آن‌که فرستادی
صدّام  را به آبادان
تن‌ات  بیت المقدس است
گردنِ کشیده‌ات نوارِ غزّه
و غزوه‌های محمد  برای تو بود
حتی تبعید من
که مجبورم کرده در انگلیس
بی تو بمانم
و دستِ فرانسه نخوانم
زیباییِ تو ویرانم کرده
و با این‌که ژاپنی نمی‌دانم
ترجمه‌ی چشمانت هیروشیماست‹


I am not Jewish
But call you El
Don't know Hebrew
But I’m sure
Your family name is no other than Auschwitz
Your bosoms
Two heaps of corpses
In the Armenian genocide
Between your thighs
Two Daeshies at the back of your truck
On the front
     the Taleban in ambush
Your figure tortures language
Brings famine to Bobby Sand's belly
And food goes on hunger strike
If you don't come
Like a tsunami to my Fukushima
Your mouth
A nuclear power plant
It exhales
Radioactive effluents
And I
   the wreck of Chernobyl
On whose face in Chinese
You just wrote one word 
Your beauty made me speechless
Tortured my Persian
And massacred the Green movement
After sending Saddam to Iran
Your slender neck
is the Strip of Gaza
Slenderer still
at the hands of its settlers
Even my exile
That forced me to stay
In England without you
Was caused for you
Your beauty has ruined me
And even though
I don't know Japanese
I'm sure
The translation for your eyes
Is Hiroshima


I am not Jewish
But call you El
Don't know Hebrew
But I’m sure
Your family name is no other than Auschwitz
Your bosoms
Two heaps of corpses
In the Armenian genocide
Between your thighs
Two Daeshies at the back of your truck
On the front
     the Taleban in ambush
Your figure tortures language
Brings famine to Bobby Sand's belly
And food goes on hunger strike
If you don't come
Like a tsunami to my Fukushima
Your mouth
A nuclear power plant
It exhales
Radioactive effluents
And I
   the wreck of Chernobyl
On whose face in Chinese
You just wrote one word 
Your beauty made me speechless
Tortured my Persian
And massacred the Green movement
After sending Saddam to Iran
Your slender neck
is the Strip of Gaza
Slenderer still
at the hands of its settlers
Even my exile
That forced me to stay
In England without you
Was caused for you
Your beauty has ruined me
And even though
I don't know Japanese
I'm sure
The translation for your eyes
Is Hiroshima
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère