Poetry International Poetry International

Domnica Drumea

Hybrid creature

Hybrid creature

beautiful things destroy me

I am much older than you

hybrid creature always hungry

I’ve left behind a house under siege

my need to crucify myself

to touch any hand that reaches out

I beg for your mercy

though there is no mercy between us

only a phosphorescent globe shedding light

inside us

in the light of day I disintegrate

hybrid creature without heart

and without sex

I have a twin sister

she laughs my share of laughs too

Hybrid creature

Creatură hibridă

lucrurile frumoase mă distrug

sunt mult mai bătrână decât tine

creatura hibridă căreia îi e mereu foame

am lăsat în urmă o casă sub asediu

nevoia mea de a mă crucifica

de a atinge orice mână întinsă

îţi cerşesc mila

deşi între noi nu există milă

doar un glob fosforescent care ne luminează

pe dinăuntru

în lumina zilei mă dezintegrez

creatură hibridă fără inimă

şi fără sex

am o soră geamănă

ea râde şi pentru mine

Hybrid creature

Hybrid creature

beautiful things destroy me

I am much older than you

hybrid creature always hungry

I’ve left behind a house under siege

my need to crucify myself

to touch any hand that reaches out

I beg for your mercy

though there is no mercy between us

only a phosphorescent globe shedding light

inside us

in the light of day I disintegrate

hybrid creature without heart

and without sex

I have a twin sister

she laughs my share of laughs too

Hybrid creature

Hybrid creature

beautiful things destroy me

I am much older than you

hybrid creature always hungry

I’ve left behind a house under siege

my need to crucify myself

to touch any hand that reaches out

I beg for your mercy

though there is no mercy between us

only a phosphorescent globe shedding light

inside us

in the light of day I disintegrate

hybrid creature without heart

and without sex

I have a twin sister

she laughs my share of laughs too
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère