Poetry International Poetry International

Roberto Amato

I’d like to tell your husband:

I’d like to tell your husband:

Do you think you have a lyrical sense of the world?
would think about it for just a second and then reply
‘I don’t know’.

I think I would look at him with an unsubstantiated
disgust like the love between scullery hands
and perhaps I’d pull out one of his hairs and split it four ways.

Just for the record – I’d say
– it’s hardly a sensible act
but it’s the only one I can think of.

And in any case you either have a lyrical sense of the world or haven’t.

Ik zou tegen jouw echtgenoot willen zeggen:

Ik zou tegen jouw echtgenoot willen zeggen:

Heb jij wel een dichterlijke kijk op de wereld?
zou er heel even over nadenken en vervolgens zeggen
‘ik weet het niet’.

Ik denk dat ik hem met minachting zou aankijken
ongegrond zoals ook de liefde tussen bordenwassers is
en misschien zou ik een haar uit zijn hoofd trekken en die vierendelen.

Laat het duidelijk zijn – ik zou het hem zeggen
– het is geen doordacht gebaar
maar het enige dat in me opkomt.

Aan de andere kant een dichterlijke kijk op de wereld die heb je of die heb je niet.

Mi piacerebbe dire a tuo marito:

Ma tu ce l’hai il senso lirico del mondo?
ci penserebbe solo un momento poi mi direbbe
“non lo so”.

Io credo che lo guarderei con un disprezzo
infondato come l’amore degli sguatteri
e forse gli strapperei un capello e glielo farei in quattro.

Sia chiaro – gli direi
– non è un gesto sensato
ma è l’unico che mi viene.

D’altra parte il senso lirico del mondo uno o ce l’ha o non ce l’ha.

I’d like to tell your husband:

I’d like to tell your husband:

Do you think you have a lyrical sense of the world?
would think about it for just a second and then reply
‘I don’t know’.

I think I would look at him with an unsubstantiated
disgust like the love between scullery hands
and perhaps I’d pull out one of his hairs and split it four ways.

Just for the record – I’d say
– it’s hardly a sensible act
but it’s the only one I can think of.

And in any case you either have a lyrical sense of the world or haven’t.

I’d like to tell your husband:

I’d like to tell your husband:

Do you think you have a lyrical sense of the world?
would think about it for just a second and then reply
‘I don’t know’.

I think I would look at him with an unsubstantiated
disgust like the love between scullery hands
and perhaps I’d pull out one of his hairs and split it four ways.

Just for the record – I’d say
– it’s hardly a sensible act
but it’s the only one I can think of.

And in any case you either have a lyrical sense of the world or haven’t.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère