Sergio Raimondi
Because of course even the flow of the fish in the water
well, more specifically: that sharp and extended vertex
of the Patagonian grenadier, useful for moving in multiple
order at one two three four-hundred metres’ depth
back at the higher layers of the Atlantic or South Pacific
will end up compacted solidified frozen packaged
in order to adopt the usual form of industrial production
a premium parallelogram of 7.5 kilos of filet of hoki
standardized and universal measure of taste and machines
commerce and transport across similar parallelograms
angles without imperfections and a vacuum smooth surface
exact to dilute the movements of the hand that eviscerates
extracts the epithelium and starts the fine deboning
on board a trawler whose flag doesn’t matter that much.
Want uiteraard moet zelfs het vloeiende van vis in het water
of dus, om precies te zijn: die lange spits toelopende staart
waarmee de Patagonische grenadier in diverse formaties
op honderd twee drie vierhonderd meter diepte zwemt
terug in de bovenste lagen van de Atlantische of Stille Oceaan
uiteindelijk compact solide diepgevroren verpakt de vorm
aannemen die is vastgesteld voor de visverwerkingsindustrie
premium parallellogram van zeven en een halve kilo hokifilet
universeel gestandaardiseerde norm voor taal en machines
handel en transport middels vergelijkbare parallellogrammen
perfecte hoeken en een gelijkmatig glad geperst oppervlak
om de bewegingen te vereffenen van de hand die onthuidt
stript en nu de laatste graatjes zal verwijderen aan boord
van een treiler die vaart onder om het even welke vlag.
Porque por supuesto aún la misma fluidez del pez en el agua
a ver, mas específicamente: ese vértice agudo y extendido
de la merluza de cola magallánica útil para moverse en orden
múltiple a cien dos tres cuatrocientos metros de profundidad
vuelta otra vez a las capas altas del Atlántico y Pacífico sur
ha de terminar compactada solidificada congelada embalada
para asumir así la forma vigente de la producción industrial
paralelogramo premium de siete kilos y medio de filet de hoki
medida estandarizada y universal de la lengua y las máquinas
comercio y transporte a través de parelelogramos semejantes
ángulos sin imperfecciones y una superficie alisada de vacío
exacta para diluir los movimientos de la mano que enviscera
extrae el epitelio y se dispone ya a realizar el despinado fino
a bordo de un arrastrero cuya bandera no importa demasiado.
From: Für ein kommentiertes Wörterbuch / Para un diccionario crítico de la lengua
Publisher: Berenberg, Berlin
Because of course even the flow of the fish in the water
well, more specifically: that sharp and extended vertex
of the Patagonian grenadier, useful for moving in multiple
order at one two three four-hundred metres’ depth
back at the higher layers of the Atlantic or South Pacific
will end up compacted solidified frozen packaged
in order to adopt the usual form of industrial production
a premium parallelogram of 7.5 kilos of filet of hoki
standardized and universal measure of taste and machines
commerce and transport across similar parallelograms
angles without imperfections and a vacuum smooth surface
exact to dilute the movements of the hand that eviscerates
extracts the epithelium and starts the fine deboning
on board a trawler whose flag doesn’t matter that much.
From: Für ein kommentiertes Wörterbuch / Para un diccionario crítico de la lengua
Because of course even the flow of the fish in the water
well, more specifically: that sharp and extended vertex
of the Patagonian grenadier, useful for moving in multiple
order at one two three four-hundred metres’ depth
back at the higher layers of the Atlantic or South Pacific
will end up compacted solidified frozen packaged
in order to adopt the usual form of industrial production
a premium parallelogram of 7.5 kilos of filet of hoki
standardized and universal measure of taste and machines
commerce and transport across similar parallelograms
angles without imperfections and a vacuum smooth surface
exact to dilute the movements of the hand that eviscerates
extracts the epithelium and starts the fine deboning
on board a trawler whose flag doesn’t matter that much.