Poetry International Poetry International

Dan Coman

The Rape

not for a moment did i stop talking to myself as if to a woman
but today my shamelessness exceeds my fancy.
it’s past midnight and for an hour i’ve been turning round and round myself
with dizzying speed and kissing my hands.
i have no power to abstain. it’s beyond my power.
just knowing i’m there inside him and my body reacts
like ten cats in heat all together like no one else.
i’ve tried everything. complete silence total rest. it’s in vain.
every time i spoke my mouth was ready to devour itself
because of such sonorous splendor such mastery.
for months on end i tried to humiliate myself. utterly in vain.
in truth: i never stopped talking to myself as if i were a woman
but today when i’d scarcely managed to put my body to sleep
then the tension between him and me had nearly dissipated.
though nothing was more powerful and nothing could stop me:
i raised myself in all my splendor above my body i pinned him between the pillows
and as if he were a woman a few strong and precise movements were enough
for his stifled screams to cover my screams.



nici o clipă nu am încetat să-mi vorbesc altfel decît unei femei
dar astăzi nerușinarea depășește orice închipuire.
e peste miezul nopţii o oră și eu mă rotesc în jurul meu
cu o viteză ameţitoare și-mi tot sărut mîinile.
mi-e peste puteri să mă abţin. pînă peste puteri.
căci numai știind că sînt acolo în el și trupul meu reacţionează
cum zece pisici în călduri laolaltă cum
ghinga cum nimeni altcineva.
am încercat totul. pînă și muţenia
pînă și totala nemișcare. fără folos.
de cîte ori îmi vorbeam gura mea mai că s-ar fi devorat pe sine
de atîta splendoare sonoră de atîta meșteșug.
luni de zile n-am făcut altceva decît să
mă umilesc însă fără, fără folos.
cu adevărat: niciodată n-am încetat sămi
vorbesc altfel decît unei femei
dar astăzi nerușinarea a depășit orice închipuire.
astăzi cînd tocmai reușisem să-mi adorm trupul
iar tensiunea dintre mine și el aproape că se risipise.
numai că nimic nu a fost mai puternic și nimic nu m-a putut opri:
m-am ridicat în toată splendoarea mea deasupra trupului meu
și l-am ţintuit între perne
și întocmai ca unei femei i-au fost de-ajuns
cîteva mișcări puternice și pline de precizie
pentru ca strigătele lui înfundate să-mi acopere strigătele.

The Rape

not for a moment did i stop talking to myself as if to a woman
but today my shamelessness exceeds my fancy.
it’s past midnight and for an hour i’ve been turning round and round myself
with dizzying speed and kissing my hands.
i have no power to abstain. it’s beyond my power.
just knowing i’m there inside him and my body reacts
like ten cats in heat all together like no one else.
i’ve tried everything. complete silence total rest. it’s in vain.
every time i spoke my mouth was ready to devour itself
because of such sonorous splendor such mastery.
for months on end i tried to humiliate myself. utterly in vain.
in truth: i never stopped talking to myself as if i were a woman
but today when i’d scarcely managed to put my body to sleep
then the tension between him and me had nearly dissipated.
though nothing was more powerful and nothing could stop me:
i raised myself in all my splendor above my body i pinned him between the pillows
and as if he were a woman a few strong and precise movements were enough
for his stifled screams to cover my screams.

The Rape

not for a moment did i stop talking to myself as if to a woman
but today my shamelessness exceeds my fancy.
it’s past midnight and for an hour i’ve been turning round and round myself
with dizzying speed and kissing my hands.
i have no power to abstain. it’s beyond my power.
just knowing i’m there inside him and my body reacts
like ten cats in heat all together like no one else.
i’ve tried everything. complete silence total rest. it’s in vain.
every time i spoke my mouth was ready to devour itself
because of such sonorous splendor such mastery.
for months on end i tried to humiliate myself. utterly in vain.
in truth: i never stopped talking to myself as if i were a woman
but today when i’d scarcely managed to put my body to sleep
then the tension between him and me had nearly dissipated.
though nothing was more powerful and nothing could stop me:
i raised myself in all my splendor above my body i pinned him between the pillows
and as if he were a woman a few strong and precise movements were enough
for his stifled screams to cover my screams.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère