Poetry International Poetry International

Dan Coman

The New Mornings

several times a week there are new mornings
mornings that seem as good as any other
if they don’t quite reach a meter’s height

some educational cubes for children under one

coffee no longer fits in
tobacco no longer leaves the mouth and
our love sits close between us like a cow
shedding its hair

mara walks here
walks all sorts of small bodies
for whom the air is just a toy
to push quickly-quickly in the nose

these are new mornings
powdered milk rolls all over the length of them
a chicco sun ticks endlessy over their width

these are new mornings

a meter above them
our large bodies float already belly-up

noile dimineți

noile dimineți

de cîteva ori pe săptămînă sunt nişte dimineţi noi
dimineţi care seamănă bine de tot cu oricare altele
doar că nu depăşesc un metru înălţime

un fel de cuburi educative pentru copiii de pînă la un an

aici nu mai încape cafeaua
tutunul nu mai iese din gură iar
dragostea noastră stă ca o vacă-ntre noi
şi ne umple de păr

pe aici se plimbă mara
şi pe aici plimbă ea tot soiul de corpuleţe
pentru care aerul e doar o jucărie de băgat iute-iute în nas

acestea sunt dimineţile noi
şi de-a lungul lor se rostogoleşte laptele praf
şi de-a latul lor ticăie neîncetat soarele chicco

acestea sunt dimineţile noi

la un metru deasupra lor
trupurile noastre mari plutesc deja cu burţile-n sus

The New Mornings

several times a week there are new mornings
mornings that seem as good as any other
if they don’t quite reach a meter’s height

some educational cubes for children under one

coffee no longer fits in
tobacco no longer leaves the mouth and
our love sits close between us like a cow
shedding its hair

mara walks here
walks all sorts of small bodies
for whom the air is just a toy
to push quickly-quickly in the nose

these are new mornings
powdered milk rolls all over the length of them
a chicco sun ticks endlessy over their width

these are new mornings

a meter above them
our large bodies float already belly-up

The New Mornings

several times a week there are new mornings
mornings that seem as good as any other
if they don’t quite reach a meter’s height

some educational cubes for children under one

coffee no longer fits in
tobacco no longer leaves the mouth and
our love sits close between us like a cow
shedding its hair

mara walks here
walks all sorts of small bodies
for whom the air is just a toy
to push quickly-quickly in the nose

these are new mornings
powdered milk rolls all over the length of them
a chicco sun ticks endlessy over their width

these are new mornings

a meter above them
our large bodies float already belly-up
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère