Vincent Tholomé
The Acme Store
(during this experiment john cage or his equivalent is to sit on a wooden chair where he will remain motionless and silent for the whole length of the experiment a colleague will deliver the commentary)(the experiment begins with john cage or his equivalent, that is, anyone at all, man or woman, even a child, sitting on a simple wooden chair, with his back straight and why not his hands flat on his thighs)
In 1935. After a few crazy nights very hot very sex in an Arizona hotel. Mr john cage marries mrs john cage. In 1935 on the corner of the street of john cage there is an acme store selling vacuum cleaners. In 1935 mrs john cage moves into a new apartment in New York City. The fact is that mrs cage. The wife of mr cage. Doesn’t move into a New York City apartment by herself. In 1935. To put it frankly. There are already several machines playing in mr and mrs cage’s apartment but not a vacuum cleaner. The fact is,
(since throughout the experiment the commentary is interrupted, leaving john cage or his equivalent just sitting motionless and silent on his chair, remember, a simple wooden chair)
when he goes alone in 1935 to the acme store john cage has the intention of buying a machine. The wife of john cage has stayed alone in the apartment and plays with her machines. An electric oven with buttons. A coffeemaker with a dial. The wife of john cage has good relationships with her machines but unfortunately neither with washing machines nor with vacuum cleaners. So the wife of john cage sends john cage in 1935 to buy something. A machine. A washing machine at the acme store. So when john cage enters the acme store he is thinking firmly he says washing machine. Yet he says once inside the acme store something strange happens to john cage. While john cage is preparing like anyone else to make
(in this experiment the problem is to let the silence last long enough for it to settle in, maybe the solution is to determine its duration by chance, by a throw of the dice for instance)
his request the fact is that john cage has an absence. You could say john cage’s tongue falls into the black hole. Remember that john cage has like anyone else like you and me like you and me a black hole in his head. The fundamental
(it goes without saying that these durations are to be determined before the experiment, before john cage or his equivalent takes his seat on a wooden chair, with his back straight and, why, his hands on his thighs, yes)
experience of john cage in 1935 in the acme store follows the fact that john cage's tongue falls into the black hole. So that. As it happens. The experience of john cage in the acme store takes place fundamentally in silence. Even if different models of push-button washing machines are easily found in the corners of the acme store of 1935 . Even if it would be easy for john cage to formulate his request. It happens that john cage. The composer. A man of noise. Of sound. And of words. Like anyone. Anyone. What do you know. It happens that john cage. What do you know. Yes. What do you know. He doesn't know why. He never knew why. The fact is. In 1935. In the acme store. He literally lets himself get strung along. So that. While john
(let’s not use more than 2 dice, however, let's not throw any durations longer than 12” or less than 2”)
cage hasn’t formulated any request yet and while he won’t formulate any request. One. Someone. Shows him a vacuum cleaner instead. A man. One. Someone. Shows him its features. Literally flabbergasting. Literally flabbergasting. John cage will say. Later. At home. To his wife. About a vacuum cleaner. He is told how fast it can go and in any corner. It is proven to him by a+b the advantage of not having a lever or a clutch. Then a long time passes waiting for. Him john cage. To express an opinion. A
(maybe however we should be careful that two similar durations don't follow one another)
desire. A need. Then his silence becomes awkward. In fact what becomes awkward is the fact that john cage’s tongue is. What do you know. Literally in his black hole. In fact no one can see it. In fact they suspect an attack or a degeneration. In fact they keep going as if nothing happened. A mote of dust. In the acme store of 1935. Floats in a sunbeam. An unknown insect lands on the window. Someone has started up the air conditioning. They’re wearing the acme store uniform. Most clients come as a couple. Earlier in the year, mr and mrs john cage acquired an electric oven with buttons as well as a coffee maker with a dial. In 1935 mr and mrs john cage like everyone else want. And possess. More and more. A minuscule scratch in the wood floor. What do you know. Suddenly comes into the mind of john
(during the experiment, it is easy to keep track of the durations by using the crocodile method, 1 crocodile being the equivalent of 1 second, 2 crocodiles of 2 seconds, etc. so that during the silence, the companion of john cage or his equivalent will slowly recite mentally the number of crocodiles thrown by the dice then she or he will pick up the commentary once the count is finished)
cage. In his memory. When. Later. John cage mentions the experience that took place in the neighborhood acme store john cage will think about it. Then john cage takes out his credit card. Then he’s seen in the street with a vacuum cleaner box under his arm. Then when he has taken the vacuum cleaner out of its box the wife of john cage will say he is plum crazy. That’s all. That’s all that took place for john cage an amazing experience in the neighborhood acme store. In 1935. Always. A key year for john cage. A year full of experiences. One more year without a washing machine.
© Translation: 2012, Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody
Le magasin acmé
Le magasin acmé
(lors de cette expérience john cage ou son équivalent s'assoira sur une chaise en bois et s'y tiendra immobile et silencieux tout au long de l'expérience un ou qu'une comparse en fera le commentaire)(l'expérience commence avec john cage ou son équivalent, c-à-d n'importe qui, homme ou femme, voire même enfant, s'asseyant sur une chaise simple en bois, le dos bien droit et pourquoi pas les mains à plat sur les cuisses)
En 1935. Après quelques folles nuits très chaudes très sexe dans un hôtel d'Arizona. M. john cage épouse mme john cage. En 1935 au coin de la rue de john cage il y a un magasin acmé vendant des aspirateurs. En 1935 mme john cage s'installe dans un nouvel appartement à New York City. Le fait est que mme cage. L'épouse de m. cage. Ne s'installe pas seule dans un appartement de New York City. En 1935. Pour tout dire. Quelques machines jouent déjà dans l'appartement de m. et mme cage mais pas d'aspirateur. Le fait est que
(comme tout au long de l'expérience, le commentaire s'interrompt, laissant juste john cage ou son équivalent assis immobile et silencieux sur sa chaise, rappelons-le, simple chaise de bois)
lorsqu'il se rend seul en 1935 au magasin acmé john cage a l'intention d'acheter une machine. La femme de john cage est restée seule à l'appartement de john cage et joue avec ses machines. Un four électrique pourvu de boutons. Une cafetière à cadran. La femme de john cage entretient de bons rapports avec ses machines mais malheureusement ni avec les lave-linges ni avec les aspirateurs. Aussi la femme de john cage envoie-t-elle john cage en 1935 acheter quelque chose. Une machine. Un lave-linge au magasin acmé. Aussi quand john cage s'introduit dans le magasin acmé il pense dit-il fermement lave-linge. Cependant dit-il une fois dans le magasin acmé il arrive à john cage une chose bizarre. Alors que john cage s'apprête comme n'importe qui à faire
(dans cette expérience, le problème sera de laisser courir le silence suffisamment longtemps pour qu'il s'installe, peut-être la solution serait de déterminer sa longueur au hasard, par un tirage aux dés par exemple)
sa demande le fait est que john cage a une absence. Disons que la langue de john cage passe au trou noir. Rappelons-nous que john cage a comme n'importe qui comme vous et moi comme vous et moi un trou noir dans la tête. L'expérience
(il va de soi que ces longueurs seront déterminées avant l'expérience, avant que john cage ou son équivalent ne prenne place sur une chaise en bois, le dos bien droit et, pourquoi, les mains à plat posées sur les cuisses, oui)
essentielle de john cage en 1935 au magasin acmé tient dans le fait que la langue de john cage passe dans son trou noir. De sorte que. Se faisant. L'essentiel de l'expérience de john cage au magasin acmé a lieu dans le silence. Même si l'on trouve aisément dans les coins du magasin acmé de 1935 différents modèles de lave-linges à bouton pressoir. Même s'il est aisé à john cage de formuler sa demande. Il se fait que john cage. Le compositeur. Un homme du bruit. Du son. Et de paroles. Comme n'importe qui. N'importe qui. Eh bien. Il se fait que john cage. Eh bien. Oui. Eh bien. Il ne sait pas pourquoi. Il n'a jamais su pourquoi. Le fait est que. En 1935. Au magasin acmé. Il se laisse littéralement faire. De sorte que. Alors que john
(n'utilisons cependant pas plus de deux dés, ne tirons pas de longueur supérieure à 12'' et inférieure à 2'')
cage n'a jusqu'ici formulé aucune demande et qu'il ne formulera aucune demande. On. Quelqu'un. Lui présente à défaut un aspirateur. Il s'agit d'un homme. On. Quelqu'un. Lui montre les capacités. Littéralement époustouflantes. Littéralement époustouflantes. Dira john cage. Plus tard. À la maison. À sa femme. D'un aspirateur. On lui dit à quel point il peut aller vite et n'importe où. On lui prouve par a + b l'avantage de l'absence de levier et d'embrayage. Puis on passe beaucoup de temps à attendre que. Lui john cage. Émette un avis. Un
(peut-être doit-on cependant prendre garde au fait que deux longueurs semblables ne se suivent pas)
désir. Un besoin. Puis il existe une gêne devant son silence. En fait il existe une gêne devant le fait que la langue de john cage soit. Eh bien. Littéralement dans son trou noir. En fait personne ne sait le voir. En fait on soupçonne une attaque ou une dégénérescence. En fait on continue plutôt comme si de rien n'était. Une poussière. Dans le magasin acmé de 1935. Volette dans un trait de lumière. Un insecte inconnu se pose sur la vitrine. On a mis en marche la climatisation. On porte l'uniforme du magasin acmé. La plupart des clients viennent en couple. Plus tôt dans l'année, monsieur et madame john cage ont acquis un four électrique pourvu de boutons ainsi qu'une cafetière à cadran. En 1935 monsieur et madame john cage comme tout le monde veulent. Et possèdent. De plus en plus. Une griffe minuscule dans le parquet. Eh bien. Entre subitement dans la tête de john
(en cours d'expérience, il est aisé de suivre la durée des longueurs par la méthode des crocodiles, 1 crocodile équivalant à 1 seconde, 2 crocodiles à 2 secondes, etc., de sorte que, durant le silence, le ou la comparse de john cage ou son équivalent se récite mentalement et lentement le nombre de crocodiles tiré au sort puis elle ou il reprend son commentaire une fois le compte fini)
cage. Dans sa mémoire. Lorsque. Plus tard. John cage évoquera l'expérience produite en 1935 dans le magasin acmé du coin john cage y pensera. Ensuite john cage sort sa carte crédit. Ensuite on le voit dans la rue une boîte d'aspirateur sous le bras. Ensuite après avoir ôté l'aspirateur de sa boîte la femme de john cage dira qu'il est fou dingue. C'est tout. C'est tout ce qui s'est produit pour john cage une étonnante expérience dans le magasin acmé du coin. En 1935. Toujours. Une année phare pour john cage. Une année riche en expériences. Une année de plus sans lave-linge.
© 2012, Vincent Tholomé
From: The John Cage Experiences
Publisher: Le Clou dans le fer, Paris
From: The John Cage Experiences
Publisher: Le Clou dans le fer, Paris
Poems of Vincent Tholomé
The Acme Store
(during this experiment john cage or his equivalent is to sit on a wooden chair where he will remain motionless and silent for the whole length of the experiment a colleague will deliver the commentary)(the experiment begins with john cage or his equivalent, that is, anyone at all, man or woman, even a child, sitting on a simple wooden chair, with his back straight and why not his hands flat on his thighs)
In 1935. After a few crazy nights very hot very sex in an Arizona hotel. Mr john cage marries mrs john cage. In 1935 on the corner of the street of john cage there is an acme store selling vacuum cleaners. In 1935 mrs john cage moves into a new apartment in New York City. The fact is that mrs cage. The wife of mr cage. Doesn’t move into a New York City apartment by herself. In 1935. To put it frankly. There are already several machines playing in mr and mrs cage’s apartment but not a vacuum cleaner. The fact is,
(since throughout the experiment the commentary is interrupted, leaving john cage or his equivalent just sitting motionless and silent on his chair, remember, a simple wooden chair)
when he goes alone in 1935 to the acme store john cage has the intention of buying a machine. The wife of john cage has stayed alone in the apartment and plays with her machines. An electric oven with buttons. A coffeemaker with a dial. The wife of john cage has good relationships with her machines but unfortunately neither with washing machines nor with vacuum cleaners. So the wife of john cage sends john cage in 1935 to buy something. A machine. A washing machine at the acme store. So when john cage enters the acme store he is thinking firmly he says washing machine. Yet he says once inside the acme store something strange happens to john cage. While john cage is preparing like anyone else to make
(in this experiment the problem is to let the silence last long enough for it to settle in, maybe the solution is to determine its duration by chance, by a throw of the dice for instance)
his request the fact is that john cage has an absence. You could say john cage’s tongue falls into the black hole. Remember that john cage has like anyone else like you and me like you and me a black hole in his head. The fundamental
(it goes without saying that these durations are to be determined before the experiment, before john cage or his equivalent takes his seat on a wooden chair, with his back straight and, why, his hands on his thighs, yes)
experience of john cage in 1935 in the acme store follows the fact that john cage's tongue falls into the black hole. So that. As it happens. The experience of john cage in the acme store takes place fundamentally in silence. Even if different models of push-button washing machines are easily found in the corners of the acme store of 1935 . Even if it would be easy for john cage to formulate his request. It happens that john cage. The composer. A man of noise. Of sound. And of words. Like anyone. Anyone. What do you know. It happens that john cage. What do you know. Yes. What do you know. He doesn't know why. He never knew why. The fact is. In 1935. In the acme store. He literally lets himself get strung along. So that. While john
(let’s not use more than 2 dice, however, let's not throw any durations longer than 12” or less than 2”)
cage hasn’t formulated any request yet and while he won’t formulate any request. One. Someone. Shows him a vacuum cleaner instead. A man. One. Someone. Shows him its features. Literally flabbergasting. Literally flabbergasting. John cage will say. Later. At home. To his wife. About a vacuum cleaner. He is told how fast it can go and in any corner. It is proven to him by a+b the advantage of not having a lever or a clutch. Then a long time passes waiting for. Him john cage. To express an opinion. A
(maybe however we should be careful that two similar durations don't follow one another)
desire. A need. Then his silence becomes awkward. In fact what becomes awkward is the fact that john cage’s tongue is. What do you know. Literally in his black hole. In fact no one can see it. In fact they suspect an attack or a degeneration. In fact they keep going as if nothing happened. A mote of dust. In the acme store of 1935. Floats in a sunbeam. An unknown insect lands on the window. Someone has started up the air conditioning. They’re wearing the acme store uniform. Most clients come as a couple. Earlier in the year, mr and mrs john cage acquired an electric oven with buttons as well as a coffee maker with a dial. In 1935 mr and mrs john cage like everyone else want. And possess. More and more. A minuscule scratch in the wood floor. What do you know. Suddenly comes into the mind of john
(during the experiment, it is easy to keep track of the durations by using the crocodile method, 1 crocodile being the equivalent of 1 second, 2 crocodiles of 2 seconds, etc. so that during the silence, the companion of john cage or his equivalent will slowly recite mentally the number of crocodiles thrown by the dice then she or he will pick up the commentary once the count is finished)
cage. In his memory. When. Later. John cage mentions the experience that took place in the neighborhood acme store john cage will think about it. Then john cage takes out his credit card. Then he’s seen in the street with a vacuum cleaner box under his arm. Then when he has taken the vacuum cleaner out of its box the wife of john cage will say he is plum crazy. That’s all. That’s all that took place for john cage an amazing experience in the neighborhood acme store. In 1935. Always. A key year for john cage. A year full of experiences. One more year without a washing machine.
© 2012, Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody
From: The John Cage Experiences
From: The John Cage Experiences
The Acme Store
(during this experiment john cage or his equivalent is to sit on a wooden chair where he will remain motionless and silent for the whole length of the experiment a colleague will deliver the commentary)(the experiment begins with john cage or his equivalent, that is, anyone at all, man or woman, even a child, sitting on a simple wooden chair, with his back straight and why not his hands flat on his thighs)
In 1935. After a few crazy nights very hot very sex in an Arizona hotel. Mr john cage marries mrs john cage. In 1935 on the corner of the street of john cage there is an acme store selling vacuum cleaners. In 1935 mrs john cage moves into a new apartment in New York City. The fact is that mrs cage. The wife of mr cage. Doesn’t move into a New York City apartment by herself. In 1935. To put it frankly. There are already several machines playing in mr and mrs cage’s apartment but not a vacuum cleaner. The fact is,
(since throughout the experiment the commentary is interrupted, leaving john cage or his equivalent just sitting motionless and silent on his chair, remember, a simple wooden chair)
when he goes alone in 1935 to the acme store john cage has the intention of buying a machine. The wife of john cage has stayed alone in the apartment and plays with her machines. An electric oven with buttons. A coffeemaker with a dial. The wife of john cage has good relationships with her machines but unfortunately neither with washing machines nor with vacuum cleaners. So the wife of john cage sends john cage in 1935 to buy something. A machine. A washing machine at the acme store. So when john cage enters the acme store he is thinking firmly he says washing machine. Yet he says once inside the acme store something strange happens to john cage. While john cage is preparing like anyone else to make
(in this experiment the problem is to let the silence last long enough for it to settle in, maybe the solution is to determine its duration by chance, by a throw of the dice for instance)
his request the fact is that john cage has an absence. You could say john cage’s tongue falls into the black hole. Remember that john cage has like anyone else like you and me like you and me a black hole in his head. The fundamental
(it goes without saying that these durations are to be determined before the experiment, before john cage or his equivalent takes his seat on a wooden chair, with his back straight and, why, his hands on his thighs, yes)
experience of john cage in 1935 in the acme store follows the fact that john cage's tongue falls into the black hole. So that. As it happens. The experience of john cage in the acme store takes place fundamentally in silence. Even if different models of push-button washing machines are easily found in the corners of the acme store of 1935 . Even if it would be easy for john cage to formulate his request. It happens that john cage. The composer. A man of noise. Of sound. And of words. Like anyone. Anyone. What do you know. It happens that john cage. What do you know. Yes. What do you know. He doesn't know why. He never knew why. The fact is. In 1935. In the acme store. He literally lets himself get strung along. So that. While john
(let’s not use more than 2 dice, however, let's not throw any durations longer than 12” or less than 2”)
cage hasn’t formulated any request yet and while he won’t formulate any request. One. Someone. Shows him a vacuum cleaner instead. A man. One. Someone. Shows him its features. Literally flabbergasting. Literally flabbergasting. John cage will say. Later. At home. To his wife. About a vacuum cleaner. He is told how fast it can go and in any corner. It is proven to him by a+b the advantage of not having a lever or a clutch. Then a long time passes waiting for. Him john cage. To express an opinion. A
(maybe however we should be careful that two similar durations don't follow one another)
desire. A need. Then his silence becomes awkward. In fact what becomes awkward is the fact that john cage’s tongue is. What do you know. Literally in his black hole. In fact no one can see it. In fact they suspect an attack or a degeneration. In fact they keep going as if nothing happened. A mote of dust. In the acme store of 1935. Floats in a sunbeam. An unknown insect lands on the window. Someone has started up the air conditioning. They’re wearing the acme store uniform. Most clients come as a couple. Earlier in the year, mr and mrs john cage acquired an electric oven with buttons as well as a coffee maker with a dial. In 1935 mr and mrs john cage like everyone else want. And possess. More and more. A minuscule scratch in the wood floor. What do you know. Suddenly comes into the mind of john
(during the experiment, it is easy to keep track of the durations by using the crocodile method, 1 crocodile being the equivalent of 1 second, 2 crocodiles of 2 seconds, etc. so that during the silence, the companion of john cage or his equivalent will slowly recite mentally the number of crocodiles thrown by the dice then she or he will pick up the commentary once the count is finished)
cage. In his memory. When. Later. John cage mentions the experience that took place in the neighborhood acme store john cage will think about it. Then john cage takes out his credit card. Then he’s seen in the street with a vacuum cleaner box under his arm. Then when he has taken the vacuum cleaner out of its box the wife of john cage will say he is plum crazy. That’s all. That’s all that took place for john cage an amazing experience in the neighborhood acme store. In 1935. Always. A key year for john cage. A year full of experiences. One more year without a washing machine.
© 2012, Nathaniel Rudavsky-Brody

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère