Poetry International Poetry International

Roni Margulies


Just this side of the Erasmus Bridge,
in the middle of the bustling city,
among all the concrete and the glass,
among the steel and the building sites,
I came across a solitary magpie.
Perched on a branch by the asphalt road,
it scanned the view and landed on the grass.
Neither the traffic, nor the port and boats
appeared to bother it in the least. Was it
bravery or indifference, I could not tell.
It pecked once at the earth, and was gone.
It reminded me of a Japanese soldier,
unaware, forty years later, that the war
had long ended, still resisting, alone
and determined, on a remote island
in the Pacific, or the forests of Borneo.



Erasmus Köprüsü’nün hemen bu yanında,
şehrin göbeğinde, bu kadar beton ve cam,
bu kadar çelik ve kiriş ve putrel arasında
bir saksağan çıktı akşam karşıma.
Asfaltın kenarında bir dala tünemişken,
etrafına bakındı, bir çimenlik bulup indi.
Ne trafik, ne liman, ne koskoca gemiler,
hiçbiri belli ki umurunda bile değildi.
Eşelendi biraz, otları inceledi, uçtu gitti.
bilemedim, cesaret midir, bezginlik mi.
Savaşın kırk yıl önce bittiğini bilmeden
Çin Denizi’ndeki küçük ve ücra adalarda
veya balta girmemiş Borneo ormanlarında
direnmeyi sürdüren Japon askerleri gibiydi.


Just this side of the Erasmus Bridge,
in the middle of the bustling city,
among all the concrete and the glass,
among the steel and the building sites,
I came across a solitary magpie.
Perched on a branch by the asphalt road,
it scanned the view and landed on the grass.
Neither the traffic, nor the port and boats
appeared to bother it in the least. Was it
bravery or indifference, I could not tell.
It pecked once at the earth, and was gone.
It reminded me of a Japanese soldier,
unaware, forty years later, that the war
had long ended, still resisting, alone
and determined, on a remote island
in the Pacific, or the forests of Borneo.


Just this side of the Erasmus Bridge,
in the middle of the bustling city,
among all the concrete and the glass,
among the steel and the building sites,
I came across a solitary magpie.
Perched on a branch by the asphalt road,
it scanned the view and landed on the grass.
Neither the traffic, nor the port and boats
appeared to bother it in the least. Was it
bravery or indifference, I could not tell.
It pecked once at the earth, and was gone.
It reminded me of a Japanese soldier,
unaware, forty years later, that the war
had long ended, still resisting, alone
and determined, on a remote island
in the Pacific, or the forests of Borneo.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère