Poetry International Poetry International

Roni Margulies


Nearly as many years ago as my age,
the Germans razed this city to the ground.
Not that there’d have been much resistence,
but the Nazis were in something of a rush.
Today is the fifth of May.
As I emerge for my morning walk,
I see streets festooned with flags.
It is, it seems, the anniversary
of the the end of the war for the Dutch.
Strange coincidence! Today is also
the day, long ago, I was born.
As Holland withdrew,
one would think, I
was sent to the front.



Yaklaşık benim yaşım kadar yıl önce,
yerle bir etmiş Almanlar bu şehri.
Direneceği yokmuş Hollandalıların,
aceleymiş ama anlaşılan Nazilerin işi.
Bugün günlerden beş mayıs.
Sokağa çıktım ki bu sabah,
yüzlerce bayrak asılmış her yana.
Sordum, yıldönümüymüş bugün
Almanlardan kurtuldukları günün,
Hollanda için savaşın bittiği günün.
Tesadüf  buna denir: bugün bir de
benim dünyaya geldiğim gün.
Çekilince Hollanda savaştan
ben sürülmüşüm sanki cepheye.


Nearly as many years ago as my age,
the Germans razed this city to the ground.
Not that there’d have been much resistence,
but the Nazis were in something of a rush.
Today is the fifth of May.
As I emerge for my morning walk,
I see streets festooned with flags.
It is, it seems, the anniversary
of the the end of the war for the Dutch.
Strange coincidence! Today is also
the day, long ago, I was born.
As Holland withdrew,
one would think, I
was sent to the front.


Nearly as many years ago as my age,
the Germans razed this city to the ground.
Not that there’d have been much resistence,
but the Nazis were in something of a rush.
Today is the fifth of May.
As I emerge for my morning walk,
I see streets festooned with flags.
It is, it seems, the anniversary
of the the end of the war for the Dutch.
Strange coincidence! Today is also
the day, long ago, I was born.
As Holland withdrew,
one would think, I
was sent to the front.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère