Poetry International Poetry International

Nico Bleutge

then the heat slowly eased itself

then the heat slowly eased itself
off the balcony and the eyes were more easily

diverted from the houses. the white
satellite dishes at the windows

already the first lights began to glow
encapsulated blue and green.

when the eyes wanted to stray between
the boardings there was a red

plastic bag in the air gleaming far above
it floated by and gradually gave the gaze

some focus until it sat softly and calmly
behind the eyelids

then the heat slowly eased itself

dann löste sich die hitze langsam
vom balkon und der blick wurde leichter

von den häusern abgelenkt. die weißen
parabolantennen an den fenstern

fingen schon die ersten lichter an
zu glühen blau und grün verkapselt.

als die augen zwischen den reklametafeln
streunen wollten war es eine rote

plastiktüte in der luft weit oben leuchtend
glitt sie vorbei und gab dem blick nach

und nach halt bis er weich und ruhig
hinter den lidern saß

then the heat slowly eased itself

then the heat slowly eased itself
off the balcony and the eyes were more easily

diverted from the houses. the white
satellite dishes at the windows

already the first lights began to glow
encapsulated blue and green.

when the eyes wanted to stray between
the boardings there was a red

plastic bag in the air gleaming far above
it floated by and gradually gave the gaze

some focus until it sat softly and calmly
behind the eyelids

then the heat slowly eased itself

then the heat slowly eased itself
off the balcony and the eyes were more easily

diverted from the houses. the white
satellite dishes at the windows

already the first lights began to glow
encapsulated blue and green.

when the eyes wanted to stray between
the boardings there was a red

plastic bag in the air gleaming far above
it floated by and gradually gave the gaze

some focus until it sat softly and calmly
behind the eyelids
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère