Poetry International Poetry International

Nico Bleutge

character head, section Messerschmidt (F.X.): 2

what do we see: we see heads, this quantity of large
erased heads, which can be turned and fingered.
we see 69 parts, shaved, adjusted, not a hair
on the cheekbones. lips turned outwards, a wall
on which the fever curve becomes readable, a diagram
made of incised lines and hooks like the tracks
of a little bird
we take cloths for the brows
a sponge for the labels, what we see here
are the fingermarks and the outlying lesser grimaces.
a bit thumb sucker and lemon cutter
a cute little thing and a hobbledehoy, a bit jokey
and dazed
, a man with dash and a lady-killer, faces
before the mirror, in any case podgy around the beak
where it yawns and crows and shrieks. that is fine to
look at and to announce, it is not
what we see, it is a set of 69 large heads.

charakterkopf, abteilung Messerschmidt (F.X.): 2

charakterkopf, abteilung Messerschmidt (F.X.): 2

was sehen wir: wir sehen köpfe, diese anzahl großer
ausradierter köpfe, die sich drehen und befingern lassen.
69 teile sehen wir, rasiert, justiert, kein härchen
auf den wangenknochen. umgestülpte lippen, eine wand
an der die fieberkurve lesbar wird, ein diagramm
aus eingeritzten linien und haken wie die spuren
eines vögeleins
wir nehmen lappen für die brauen
für die schildchen einen schwamm, was wir hier sehen
sind die tapser und die kleinen randgrimassen.
ein bißchen daumenlutscher und zitronenschneider
ein lieber schneck und ein hallodri, bißchen ulkig
und verwirrt
. ein feschak und ein tausendsassa, faxen
vor dem spiegel, auch so rundlich um den schnabel
wo es gähnt und kräht und schreit. das ist schön an-
zuschaun und kundzugeben, was wir sehen
ist es nicht, wir sehen köpfe, große köpfe, 69 an der zahl.

character head, section Messerschmidt (F.X.): 2

what do we see: we see heads, this quantity of large
erased heads, which can be turned and fingered.
we see 69 parts, shaved, adjusted, not a hair
on the cheekbones. lips turned outwards, a wall
on which the fever curve becomes readable, a diagram
made of incised lines and hooks like the tracks
of a little bird
we take cloths for the brows
a sponge for the labels, what we see here
are the fingermarks and the outlying lesser grimaces.
a bit thumb sucker and lemon cutter
a cute little thing and a hobbledehoy, a bit jokey
and dazed
, a man with dash and a lady-killer, faces
before the mirror, in any case podgy around the beak
where it yawns and crows and shrieks. that is fine to
look at and to announce, it is not
what we see, it is a set of 69 large heads.

character head, section Messerschmidt (F.X.): 2

what do we see: we see heads, this quantity of large
erased heads, which can be turned and fingered.
we see 69 parts, shaved, adjusted, not a hair
on the cheekbones. lips turned outwards, a wall
on which the fever curve becomes readable, a diagram
made of incised lines and hooks like the tracks
of a little bird
we take cloths for the brows
a sponge for the labels, what we see here
are the fingermarks and the outlying lesser grimaces.
a bit thumb sucker and lemon cutter
a cute little thing and a hobbledehoy, a bit jokey
and dazed
, a man with dash and a lady-killer, faces
before the mirror, in any case podgy around the beak
where it yawns and crows and shrieks. that is fine to
look at and to announce, it is not
what we see, it is a set of 69 large heads.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère