Pieter Boskma
Finding Flowers
Now I dreamt of you sleeping and dreaming,beside me, in my bed, and of how it all was,
nothing happened except you sleeping and dreaming,
beside me, in my bed, and my looking at you,
and seeing how inexorably and all-pervasively
beautiful you were, how you were: all sleep and
dream and time, which gave itself ample time,
and how I knew that this immaculate waking
needs no kisses of shushing nostalgia,
when we think we’re dreaming of dreams
and religiously do the work, unseen by anyone.
© Translation: 2012, Paul Vincent
Het vinden van bloemen
Het vinden van bloemen
Nu ik van je droomde hoe je sliep en droomde,naast me, in mijn bed, en hoe dat alles was,
er niets gebeurde dan dat je sliep en droomde,
naast me, in mijn bed, en hoe ik naar je keek,
en zag hoe onverbiddelijk en aldoordringend
mooi je was, hoe je was: een en al slaap en
droom en tijd, die zichzelf royaal de tijd gaf,
en hoe ik toen wist dat dit kraakhelder waken
geen kussen van sussende heimwee behoeft,
wanneer we denken te dromen van dromen
en heilig het werk doen door niemand gezien.
© 2008, Pieter Boskma
From: Het violette uur
Publisher: Prometheus, Amsterdam
From: Het violette uur
Publisher: Prometheus, Amsterdam
Poems of Pieter Boskma
Finding Flowers
Now I dreamt of you sleeping and dreaming,beside me, in my bed, and of how it all was,
nothing happened except you sleeping and dreaming,
beside me, in my bed, and my looking at you,
and seeing how inexorably and all-pervasively
beautiful you were, how you were: all sleep and
dream and time, which gave itself ample time,
and how I knew that this immaculate waking
needs no kisses of shushing nostalgia,
when we think we’re dreaming of dreams
and religiously do the work, unseen by anyone.
© 2012, Paul Vincent
From: Het violette uur
From: Het violette uur
Finding Flowers
Now I dreamt of you sleeping and dreaming,beside me, in my bed, and of how it all was,
nothing happened except you sleeping and dreaming,
beside me, in my bed, and my looking at you,
and seeing how inexorably and all-pervasively
beautiful you were, how you were: all sleep and
dream and time, which gave itself ample time,
and how I knew that this immaculate waking
needs no kisses of shushing nostalgia,
when we think we’re dreaming of dreams
and religiously do the work, unseen by anyone.
© 2012, Paul Vincent

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère