Poetry International Poetry International

B. Zwaal

hiding, collecting rain, behind the tree

hiding, collecting rain, behind the tree
that envelops me like a good woman who
watches over me, and I suck her.
trapped between her legs I become graceful,
faster, I’m doing better.
on the move once more, in a lair, I feel
different, gawkish.
even though the thought of a nimble-witted hare
with a breakneck dash and sensitive eyes could
revive me I tend to become sluggish and gauche and
lack the elegance that could make me leap from
the lair in the same way I leapt from between
her legs with élan, in good spirits and with striding steps
capable of conquering the world, but quickly get bogged
down again, once removed from the closeness of her legs
wanderlusting in a wide world that no longer holds me.

schuil ik, verzamel ik regen, achter de boom

schuil ik, verzamel ik regen, achter de boom
die zich om mij vouwt als een goede vrouw die
over mij heenkijkt, en ik zuig haar.
tussen haar benen gevat word ik sierlijker,
sneller, het gaat me beter.
weer weg en onderweg, in een hazeleger, voel ik me
anders, lomper.
hoewel ook de gedachte aan een spitsvondige haas
met snelle ren en gevoelige ogen me zou kunnen
verlevendigen word ik eerder benard en traag en
heb niet die sierlijkheid die mij uit het hazeleger
zou kunnen doen opspringen zoals ik met elan tussen
haar benen vandaan spring, van goede zin en in ranke tred
in staat de wereld te veroveren, maar snel verzandend
telkens weer, eenmaal vanuit de nabijheid van haar benen
weggetrokken in een wijde wereld die mij niet omsluit.

hiding, collecting rain, behind the tree

hiding, collecting rain, behind the tree
that envelops me like a good woman who
watches over me, and I suck her.
trapped between her legs I become graceful,
faster, I’m doing better.
on the move once more, in a lair, I feel
different, gawkish.
even though the thought of a nimble-witted hare
with a breakneck dash and sensitive eyes could
revive me I tend to become sluggish and gauche and
lack the elegance that could make me leap from
the lair in the same way I leapt from between
her legs with élan, in good spirits and with striding steps
capable of conquering the world, but quickly get bogged
down again, once removed from the closeness of her legs
wanderlusting in a wide world that no longer holds me.

hiding, collecting rain, behind the tree

hiding, collecting rain, behind the tree
that envelops me like a good woman who
watches over me, and I suck her.
trapped between her legs I become graceful,
faster, I’m doing better.
on the move once more, in a lair, I feel
different, gawkish.
even though the thought of a nimble-witted hare
with a breakneck dash and sensitive eyes could
revive me I tend to become sluggish and gauche and
lack the elegance that could make me leap from
the lair in the same way I leapt from between
her legs with élan, in good spirits and with striding steps
capable of conquering the world, but quickly get bogged
down again, once removed from the closeness of her legs
wanderlusting in a wide world that no longer holds me.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère