Poetry International Poetry International

B. Zwaal

I turned to her breasts

I turned to her breasts, I deemed them                      
spectacularly occupied and intimately terse,
yet rattlingly roomy, like sugared heavenwardlies
lively with governance and character.                        
but above all I assured myself of the mirth of her legs          
against a fetching price, mounted their challenge, their gentle sneer, 
I was permitted to play the sweet strings, drifted wildly on the driftwood 
but dead tinder fawned over the flame and the forlorn          
slid down the slope above the chafing of the dunes.             
their consolation splendour flashed across the sand stream,
outside the tides a lust sprung up between the legs and desired
deeply and verges, glowing with poppies.
love rebounded here, taut pining fired its glimmers

ik wende aan haar borsten

ik wende aan haar borsten, ik bevond ze
spectaculair druk en zeer innig beknopt,
toch ratelend ruim, gelijk versuikerde hemelingen
pront van bestuur en karakter.
maar bovenal verzekerde ik mij van de vrolijkheid der benen,
tegen een sierprijs, beklom hun wraking, hun zachtsnier,
mocht bespelen de zoetsnaar, dreef wild op het drijfhout
maar tondeldood fleemde naar vlam en ’t verlorene
schoof van hun helling boven ’t schavielen der duinen.
hun troostpracht vlamde over zandstroom, buiten getijden
een lust veerde op tussen de benen en verlangde
diep en bermen, gloeiend van klaproos.
het kaatste de liefde, smachtstrak vuurden hun glimmers

I turned to her breasts

I turned to her breasts, I deemed them                      
spectacularly occupied and intimately terse,
yet rattlingly roomy, like sugared heavenwardlies
lively with governance and character.                        
but above all I assured myself of the mirth of her legs          
against a fetching price, mounted their challenge, their gentle sneer, 
I was permitted to play the sweet strings, drifted wildly on the driftwood 
but dead tinder fawned over the flame and the forlorn          
slid down the slope above the chafing of the dunes.             
their consolation splendour flashed across the sand stream,
outside the tides a lust sprung up between the legs and desired
deeply and verges, glowing with poppies.
love rebounded here, taut pining fired its glimmers

I turned to her breasts

I turned to her breasts, I deemed them                      
spectacularly occupied and intimately terse,
yet rattlingly roomy, like sugared heavenwardlies
lively with governance and character.                        
but above all I assured myself of the mirth of her legs          
against a fetching price, mounted their challenge, their gentle sneer, 
I was permitted to play the sweet strings, drifted wildly on the driftwood 
but dead tinder fawned over the flame and the forlorn          
slid down the slope above the chafing of the dunes.             
their consolation splendour flashed across the sand stream,
outside the tides a lust sprung up between the legs and desired
deeply and verges, glowing with poppies.
love rebounded here, taut pining fired its glimmers
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère