Poetry International Poetry International

Shimon Adaf


 1. Thought

I’m thinking

that I’ve reached
the end of history.

Not in the meaning of philosophy. There, reason knows itself

fully actualizing phenomenon as an idea. No. In a simpler sense

history ceases to be

essential for definition, establishing
connections of development
between early and late I lack

fathers and mothers, bereft of poetry and swinging out the window, sent out of Tel Aviv,
5:00 on a December evening, feeling the air like

a tongue

skies addicted, skinny, dizzy,

dilating like a pupil, collapsing

on the ground, inside defective asphalt capillaries

a kindled sun flows, bleeding through

the blackening month

crushing the wind like

Western theory.

2. Exit

It’s easy to know

that all of this will pass –

dense like poetry
and like a man I

go out
in the rain

that still clenches December


On Allenby, noisy songbirds pierce
storms of twittering
through the weakened

The words convulse easily
and then go to hell on the buses

filled heavily with human

flesh wanting too much.

The others are right.

It’s good to know that the world is temporary
that the suns are too sharp

to be engraved in a day or to allow me

At an hour like this

in this light,

even the cruelty

that a man turns on himself
is an illusion.

3. Route 24

What’s the point of poetry if I can hardly walk

even with a cane, I can’t get there fast enough. The doors are already folding and the lungs
biting a stronger

piece of air. They say Kislev. Only a man’s finger
can trace the sun’s bloodshot eye.
The clouds assemble

like anger before the blow of a mutinous husband

starved and salivating

dark rains. I’m almost

there, banging on the glass, open up,

open up, you stupid slut,

and without wanting to the bitch opens up like a husband

eating his food with hatred, thank you, thank you. The spit becomes vomit outside, a storm.
Only a man’s hand can
 build stairs like a gallows. What is poetry for?

If only I was more alive, knowing how to curse

from here until further notice, the young took

all the chairs, little shits, I have to stand, crap,


4. Return
I deny

the cracked mouth,
the sigh

so I don’t say.

When I return late

and tonight, what do I know
about the word,
much less beginnings.

What is this whip of a moon
and what is this shred of beaten darkness

on the headboard.

I don’t say.

Help, help, what is it with you?
Help, Father, help.

What began as prayer
now is barely

a spell of protection.

הַצָּלָה מִשִּׁכְחָה

הַצָּלָה מִשִּׁכְחָה

א. הִרְהוּר
אֲנִי סָבוּר
אֶל קֵץ הַהִיסְטוֹרְיָה.
לֹא בַּמּוּבָן הַפִילוֹסוֹפִי, שָׁם
הַתְּבוּנָה יוֹדַעַת אֶת עַצְמָהּ
מִתְמַמֶּשֶׁת בִּמְלוֹאָהּ כְּרַעְיוֹן וְתוֹפָעָה.
לֹא. בְּמוּבָן פָּשׁוּט יוֹתֵר
הַהִיסְטוֹרְיָה מַפְסִיקָה לִהְיוֹת
מַהוּתִית לְהַגְדָּרוֹת, קוֹבַעַת
יְחָסִים שֶׁל הִתְפַּתְּחוּת
בֵּין מֻקְדָּם וּמְאֻחָר אֲנִי נְטוּל
אָבוֹת וְאִמָּהוֹת, חֲסַר שִׁירָה וּמִתְנוֹדֵד עַל הַחַלּוֹן, שָׁלוּחַ
אֶל חוּץ תֵּל אֲבִיבִי, חָמֵשׁ בְּעֶרֶב דֶצֶמְבֶּרִי, מְמַשֵּׁש אֶת הָאֲוִיר כְּמוֹ לְשׁוֹן
שָׁמַיִם נַרְקוֹמָנִיִּים, שְׁדוּפִים, סְחַרְחָרִים,
מֻרְחָבִים כְּמוֹ אִישׁוֹן, מֻטִּים
אֶל הַקַּרְקַע, בְּתוֹךְ נִימֵי אַסְפַלְט פְּגוּמִים
שׁוֹטֵף שֶׁמֶשׁ מֻדְלָק, בְּעַד הִתְאַפְלְלוּת
הַחֹדֶשׁ מְדַמֵּם
מְפֹורֵר אֶת הָרוּחַ כְּמוֹ
תֵּאוֹרְיָה מִן הַמַּעֲרָב.

ב. יְצִיאָה
קַל לָדַעַת
שֶׁכָּל זֶה יַעֲבֹר –

אָטוּם כְּמוֹ שִׁירָה וּכְמוֹ
גֶּבֶר אֲנִי
יוֹצֵא אֶל הַגֶּשֶׁם
הַקָּפוּץ עֲדַיִן
בָּרְקִיעִים שֶׁל

בְּאַלֶנְבִּי סוֹאֲנִים פָּשׁוֹשִׁים נוֹקְבִים
סַעֲרוֹת צִיּוּצִים עַל

הַמִּלִּים זַעֲזוּעִים קַלִּים וְאָז
הוֹלְכִים לָעֲזָאזֵל בָּאוֹטוֹבּוּסִים
מְלֵאִים כְּבֵדוּת אֱנוֹשִׁית שֶׁל
בָּשָׂר רוֹצֶה מִדַּי.

הַצֶּדֶק עִם אֲחֵרִים.

טוֹב לָדַעַת שֶׁהָעוֹלָם רִגְעִי
שֶׁהַשְּׁמָשׁוֹת חַדּוֹת מִכְּדֵי
לְהֵחָרֵט בַּיּוֹם אוֹ לְאַפְשֵׁר לִי

בְּשָׁעָה  כָּזֹו
בָּאוֹר הַזֶּה,
אֲפִלוּ אַכְזְרִיּוּת
שֶׁאָדָם מַפְנֶה כְּלַפֵּי עַצְמוֹ
הִיא אַשְׁלָיָה.

ג. קַו 24
עַל מָה שִׁירָה שֶׁאֲנִי בְּקֹשִׁי צוֹעֶדֶת, גַּם
עִם מַקֵּל לֹא מַצְלִיחָה מַהֵר מַסְפִּיק. הַדְּלָתוֹת
כְּבָר מִתְקַפְּלוֹת וְהָרֵאוֹת נוֹגְסוֹת חָזָק עוֹד
חֲתִיכַת אֲוִיר. אוֹמְרוֹת כסליו. רַק אֶצְבַּע
שֶׁל גֶּבֶר יְכוֹלָה לְשַׂרְטֵט אֶת הַשֶּׁמֶש עַיִן
טְרוּטָה. הָעֲנָנִים מִתְאַסְּפוֹת סְבִיבָהּ
כְּמוֹ כַּעַס לִפְנֵי מַכָּה שֶׁבַּעַל מורידה
מֻרְעָבוֹת וּמַזִּילוֹת
גְּשָׁמִים חֲשׁוּכוֹת. אֲנִי כְּבָר כִּמְעַט
מַגִּיעָה, מַרְבִּיצָה עַל הַזְּכוּכִית, תִּפְתַּח,
תִּפְתַּח, יָא חֲתִיכַת טִפְּשָׁה,
וּבְלִי רָצוֹן פּוֹתַחַת הַכַּלְבָּה כְּמוֹ בַּעַל שֶׁבּוֹלַעַת
אֹכֶל באיבה, תּוֹדָה, תּוֹדָה. הרֹק הוֹפֵךְ
לַהֲקָאָה, בַּחוּץ, סוּפָה. רַק יָד שֶׁל גֶּבֶר יְכוֹלָה
לִבְנוֹת מַדְרֵגוֹת כּמוֹ עַמּוּד תְּלִיָּה. עַל מָה שִׁירָה?
הַלְוַאי הָיִיתִי בַּחַיִּים יוֹתֵר, יוֹדַעַת לְקַלֵּל
מִכָּאן וְעַד לְהוֹדָעָה חֲדָשָׁה; הַצְּעִירִים תָּפְסוּ אֶת
כָּל הַכִּסְּאוֹת, חֲרָאים קְטַנּוֹת, נוֹתְנוֹת לִי לַעֲמֹד, טְפוּ,
ד. חֲזָרָה
אֶת הַפֶּה הַסָּדוּק
אֲנִי שׁוֹלֵל
אֶת הָאֲנָחָה.

לָכֵן אֵינִי אוֹמֵר.

כְּשֶׁאֲנִי חוֹזֵר בִּמְאֻחָר
וְהַלַּיְלָה מָה אֲנִי יוֹדֵעַ
עַל הַמִּלָּה, כָּל שֶׁכֵּן

מָה זֶה שׁוּט הַיָּרֵחַ וּמָה
זֶה פִּסַּת הַחֹשֶׁךְ הֶחָבוּל
לִמְרַאֲשׁוֹת הַמִּטָּה.

אֵינִי אוֹמֵר.

עֲזֹר, עֲזֹר, מָה אִתְּךָ?
עֲזֹר, אַבָּא, עֲזֹר.

מָה שֶׁהִתְחִיל תְּפִלָּה
עַכְשָׁו בְּקֹשִׁי
לַחַשׁ הֲגַנָּה.


 1. Thought

I’m thinking

that I’ve reached
the end of history.

Not in the meaning of philosophy. There, reason knows itself

fully actualizing phenomenon as an idea. No. In a simpler sense

history ceases to be

essential for definition, establishing
connections of development
between early and late I lack

fathers and mothers, bereft of poetry and swinging out the window, sent out of Tel Aviv,
5:00 on a December evening, feeling the air like

a tongue

skies addicted, skinny, dizzy,

dilating like a pupil, collapsing

on the ground, inside defective asphalt capillaries

a kindled sun flows, bleeding through

the blackening month

crushing the wind like

Western theory.

2. Exit

It’s easy to know

that all of this will pass –

dense like poetry
and like a man I

go out
in the rain

that still clenches December


On Allenby, noisy songbirds pierce
storms of twittering
through the weakened

The words convulse easily
and then go to hell on the buses

filled heavily with human

flesh wanting too much.

The others are right.

It’s good to know that the world is temporary
that the suns are too sharp

to be engraved in a day or to allow me

At an hour like this

in this light,

even the cruelty

that a man turns on himself
is an illusion.

3. Route 24

What’s the point of poetry if I can hardly walk

even with a cane, I can’t get there fast enough. The doors are already folding and the lungs
biting a stronger

piece of air. They say Kislev. Only a man’s finger
can trace the sun’s bloodshot eye.
The clouds assemble

like anger before the blow of a mutinous husband

starved and salivating

dark rains. I’m almost

there, banging on the glass, open up,

open up, you stupid slut,

and without wanting to the bitch opens up like a husband

eating his food with hatred, thank you, thank you. The spit becomes vomit outside, a storm.
Only a man’s hand can
 build stairs like a gallows. What is poetry for?

If only I was more alive, knowing how to curse

from here until further notice, the young took

all the chairs, little shits, I have to stand, crap,


4. Return
I deny

the cracked mouth,
the sigh

so I don’t say.

When I return late

and tonight, what do I know
about the word,
much less beginnings.

What is this whip of a moon
and what is this shred of beaten darkness

on the headboard.

I don’t say.

Help, help, what is it with you?
Help, Father, help.

What began as prayer
now is barely

a spell of protection.


 1. Thought

I’m thinking

that I’ve reached
the end of history.

Not in the meaning of philosophy. There, reason knows itself

fully actualizing phenomenon as an idea. No. In a simpler sense

history ceases to be

essential for definition, establishing
connections of development
between early and late I lack

fathers and mothers, bereft of poetry and swinging out the window, sent out of Tel Aviv,
5:00 on a December evening, feeling the air like

a tongue

skies addicted, skinny, dizzy,

dilating like a pupil, collapsing

on the ground, inside defective asphalt capillaries

a kindled sun flows, bleeding through

the blackening month

crushing the wind like

Western theory.

2. Exit

It’s easy to know

that all of this will pass –

dense like poetry
and like a man I

go out
in the rain

that still clenches December


On Allenby, noisy songbirds pierce
storms of twittering
through the weakened

The words convulse easily
and then go to hell on the buses

filled heavily with human

flesh wanting too much.

The others are right.

It’s good to know that the world is temporary
that the suns are too sharp

to be engraved in a day or to allow me

At an hour like this

in this light,

even the cruelty

that a man turns on himself
is an illusion.

3. Route 24

What’s the point of poetry if I can hardly walk

even with a cane, I can’t get there fast enough. The doors are already folding and the lungs
biting a stronger

piece of air. They say Kislev. Only a man’s finger
can trace the sun’s bloodshot eye.
The clouds assemble

like anger before the blow of a mutinous husband

starved and salivating

dark rains. I’m almost

there, banging on the glass, open up,

open up, you stupid slut,

and without wanting to the bitch opens up like a husband

eating his food with hatred, thank you, thank you. The spit becomes vomit outside, a storm.
Only a man’s hand can
 build stairs like a gallows. What is poetry for?

If only I was more alive, knowing how to curse

from here until further notice, the young took

all the chairs, little shits, I have to stand, crap,


4. Return
I deny

the cracked mouth,
the sigh

so I don’t say.

When I return late

and tonight, what do I know
about the word,
much less beginnings.

What is this whip of a moon
and what is this shred of beaten darkness

on the headboard.

I don’t say.

Help, help, what is it with you?
Help, Father, help.

What began as prayer
now is barely

a spell of protection.
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