Poetry International Poetry International

Chus Pato

repertoire of Russian phrases

repertoire of Russian phrases to characterize a romantic-anarchic and, in the end, nationalist muse; authors abandoned or death-longing, but it was a lie

44=4+4=8+1999=1674=1+6+7+4=1+8=9=6, hexagon
44=4+4=8+1666=2007=2+0+0+7=9=6, hexagon

or cellular condition of the honey that nourished Pindar under the mouth’s sky
underground tumble of the viceroy

all around you, like pale maritime lightning
and the encounter at the white coral atoll and a viceroy gone mad

it was how Eugene imagined the resurrection
that emblem the poet keeps in her heart; the muse refuses reproduction of its face
constructs a sky with rowboat splinters
on any seaside promenade:
summer tourists

certain anchylosed or unreal ideas of the muse, its adoration
by Emma Bovary
its opinions on the labour market and the work of women
the passion for crime as mathematical mechanism
the paternity of the muse, the absence of hope
Chimera will explain that without hope, revolution is not possible
the clandestinity and physical mysteries of Eugene
the confusion between literature and truth
his physical and mental aging, the detention of time

(Chimera and Maria head for the mountains, pursued by the heroine of galaxies and country songbirds who controls the lunch counters in the port)

they duck into an 80s bar

someone should really attend to the Basic Aspects of the syntax of my writing ------------------------------------------------------

repertoire van Russische zinnen

repertoire van Russische zinnen ter typering van een anarchistisch-romantische, en uiteindelijk toch nationalistische muze; auteurs overgelaten aan het heimwee naar de dood, maar het was gelogen
44=4+4=8+1999=1674=1+6+7+4=1+8=9=6, zeshoek
44=4+4=8+1666=2007=2+0+0+7=9=6, zeshoek
of conditie van honingraatcellen waardoor Pindarus floreerde onder de hemel van zijn mond
onderaardse graftombe van de onderkoning
rondom jou, als een lichte bliksemflits op zee
en de ontmoeting pal voor het atol van witte koraal en een krankzinnig geworden onderkoning
Jevgeni, het was zijn manier om zich de wederopstanding voor te stellen
embleem dat de dichter in zijn hart bewaart; de muze weigert reproductie van zijn gezicht
hij construeert een hemel met restjes van sloepen
tijdens elke tocht op zee:
de bezoekers van de kolonie
sommige versteende of irreële ideeën van de muze, zijn verering van Emma Bovary
zijn opvattingen over de arbeidsmarkt en vrouwenarbeid
zijn passie voor de misdaad als mathematisch mechanisme
het vaderschap van de muze, het gebrek aan hoop
Chimaera zal uitleggen dat een revolutie zonder hoop onmogelijk is
de clandestiniteit en de fysieke mysteries van Jevgeni
de verwarring tussen literatuur en waarheid
zijn lichamelijke en geestelijke aftakeling, het stilstaan van de tijd
(Chimaera en maría begeven zich in de bergen, achtervolgd door de heldin van sterrenstelsels of vogeltjes in het veld zij controleert de havencafés)
ze duiken onder in een bar uit de jaren tachtig
iemand zou zich moeten bezighouden met de Basisaspecten van mijn geschriften---------------------------------------------

repertorio de frases rusas para caracterizar a unha musa ácrata-romántica, finalmente nacionalista; autores abandonados ou saudade da morte, pero era mentira

44=4+4=8+1999=1674=1+6+7+4=1+8=9=6, hexágono
44=4+4=8+1666=2007=2+0+0+7=9=6, hexágono

ou condición celular do mel que lle medraba a Píndaro baixo o ceo da boca
tombo subterráneo do vicerrei
en torno a ti, como tenue lóstrego marítimo
e o encontro fronte ao atol de coral branco e un vicerrei enlouquecido

Eugene, era o seu modo de concibir a resurrección
ese emblema que a poeta garda no corazón; a musa négase a que se reproduza o seu rostro
constrúe un ceo con restos de chalanas
en calquera paseo marítimo:
os visitantes da colonia

certas ideas anquilosadas ou irreais da musa, a súa adoración por Enma Bovary
as súas opinións sobre o mercado laboral e o traballo das mulleres
a paixón polo crime como mecanismo matemático
a paternidade da musa, a falta de esperanza
Quimera explicará que sen esperanza, a revolución, non é posible
a clandestinidade e os misterios físicos de Eugene
a confusión entre literatura e verdade
o seu avellentamento físico e mental, a detención do tempo

(Quimera e maría danse ao monte, perseguidas pola heroína das galaxias ou paxariños do campo que controla as cafeterías do porto)

atopan refuxio nun bar-oitentas

alguén tería que se ocupar dos Aspectos Básicos da sintaxe da miña escrita--------------------------------------------------

repertoire of Russian phrases

repertoire of Russian phrases to characterize a romantic-anarchic and, in the end, nationalist muse; authors abandoned or death-longing, but it was a lie

44=4+4=8+1999=1674=1+6+7+4=1+8=9=6, hexagon
44=4+4=8+1666=2007=2+0+0+7=9=6, hexagon

or cellular condition of the honey that nourished Pindar under the mouth’s sky
underground tumble of the viceroy

all around you, like pale maritime lightning
and the encounter at the white coral atoll and a viceroy gone mad

it was how Eugene imagined the resurrection
that emblem the poet keeps in her heart; the muse refuses reproduction of its face
constructs a sky with rowboat splinters
on any seaside promenade:
summer tourists

certain anchylosed or unreal ideas of the muse, its adoration
by Emma Bovary
its opinions on the labour market and the work of women
the passion for crime as mathematical mechanism
the paternity of the muse, the absence of hope
Chimera will explain that without hope, revolution is not possible
the clandestinity and physical mysteries of Eugene
the confusion between literature and truth
his physical and mental aging, the detention of time

(Chimera and Maria head for the mountains, pursued by the heroine of galaxies and country songbirds who controls the lunch counters in the port)

they duck into an 80s bar

someone should really attend to the Basic Aspects of the syntax of my writing ------------------------------------------------------

repertoire of Russian phrases

repertoire of Russian phrases to characterize a romantic-anarchic and, in the end, nationalist muse; authors abandoned or death-longing, but it was a lie

44=4+4=8+1999=1674=1+6+7+4=1+8=9=6, hexagon
44=4+4=8+1666=2007=2+0+0+7=9=6, hexagon

or cellular condition of the honey that nourished Pindar under the mouth’s sky
underground tumble of the viceroy

all around you, like pale maritime lightning
and the encounter at the white coral atoll and a viceroy gone mad

it was how Eugene imagined the resurrection
that emblem the poet keeps in her heart; the muse refuses reproduction of its face
constructs a sky with rowboat splinters
on any seaside promenade:
summer tourists

certain anchylosed or unreal ideas of the muse, its adoration
by Emma Bovary
its opinions on the labour market and the work of women
the passion for crime as mathematical mechanism
the paternity of the muse, the absence of hope
Chimera will explain that without hope, revolution is not possible
the clandestinity and physical mysteries of Eugene
the confusion between literature and truth
his physical and mental aging, the detention of time

(Chimera and Maria head for the mountains, pursued by the heroine of galaxies and country songbirds who controls the lunch counters in the port)

they duck into an 80s bar

someone should really attend to the Basic Aspects of the syntax of my writing ------------------------------------------------------
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère