Poetry International Poetry International

Vlado Martek

Lamenting poetry

Look, I’m protected
by the alibi of poetry,
               I’m writing a poem.
And my need for meaning
               grants me high credit
for zig-zag writing.
But no, I will not use exponents
              of collective protection
              exclamation mark, question mark, break.
I will use torment. West Balkan hardship.
Goodwill can come only from arrival:
I was combing my hair and a book arrived:
Cutting the Chaos. Elegantly
it became a part of my hairdo.
The fact is: One book, One poem,
One desired way.
I felt protection is . . . past, and
I keep emotion as a mask.

I exhausted my artistic strength. All
you could put in an ominous box
is working happiness.

Oplakivanje poezije

Oplakivanje poezije

Evo, sada sam zaštićen
alibijem poezije,
               pišem pjesmu.
I potreba za smislom
              daje mi veliki kredit
za cik-cak pisanje.
A neću, ipak, koristiti eksponente
               kolektivne zaštite
               uskličnik, upitnik, prekid.
Koristit ću patnju. Tegobu Zapadnog Balkana.
Otkud raspoloženje nego od stizanja:
za vrijeme češljanja stigla je knjiga:
Presecanje haosa. Na elegantan način
postala je dio frizure.
Tako jest: Jedna knjiga, Jedna pjesma,
Jedan žuđeni put.
Osjećam da je zaštita – prošlost, i
čuvam emociju maske.

Iživio sam svoju umjetničku snagu. To
ne stane u zlokobnu kutiju
mimo radne sreće.

Lamenting poetry

Look, I’m protected
by the alibi of poetry,
               I’m writing a poem.
And my need for meaning
               grants me high credit
for zig-zag writing.
But no, I will not use exponents
              of collective protection
              exclamation mark, question mark, break.
I will use torment. West Balkan hardship.
Goodwill can come only from arrival:
I was combing my hair and a book arrived:
Cutting the Chaos. Elegantly
it became a part of my hairdo.
The fact is: One book, One poem,
One desired way.
I felt protection is . . . past, and
I keep emotion as a mask.

I exhausted my artistic strength. All
you could put in an ominous box
is working happiness.

Lamenting poetry

Look, I’m protected
by the alibi of poetry,
               I’m writing a poem.
And my need for meaning
               grants me high credit
for zig-zag writing.
But no, I will not use exponents
              of collective protection
              exclamation mark, question mark, break.
I will use torment. West Balkan hardship.
Goodwill can come only from arrival:
I was combing my hair and a book arrived:
Cutting the Chaos. Elegantly
it became a part of my hairdo.
The fact is: One book, One poem,
One desired way.
I felt protection is . . . past, and
I keep emotion as a mask.

I exhausted my artistic strength. All
you could put in an ominous box
is working happiness.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Ludo Pieters Gastschrijver Fonds
Lira fonds
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère