Poetry International Poetry International


05. ashes all

ashes all
molasses all
of measuring hand molasses all
mara made in moab
cain naphtali barabbas rothschild reich
noömi made in mara
molasses all

as many as 6 cups of barley were placed on her head
but stature alone gives the auslade
                                eisenwucht namer and name
or the sephiroth swings
beats of the metaphone
mara made in moab
noömi made in mara
but all is molasses
and all is ashes

as alles

as alles
melasse alles
van meethand melasse alles
mara made in moab
kaïn naphtali barrabas rothschild reich
noömi made in mara
melasse alles

wel 6 kop gerst werd op haar hoofd gezet
maar gestalte alleen geeft de auslade
                              eisenwucht noemer en naam
of de sephiroth zwaait
maten van de metaphoon
mara made in moab
noömi made in mara
maar alles is melasse
en alles is as

05. ashes all

ashes all
molasses all
of measuring hand molasses all
mara made in moab
cain naphtali barabbas rothschild reich
noömi made in mara
molasses all

as many as 6 cups of barley were placed on her head
but stature alone gives the auslade
                                eisenwucht namer and name
or the sephiroth swings
beats of the metaphone
mara made in moab
noömi made in mara
but all is molasses
and all is ashes

05. ashes all

ashes all
molasses all
of measuring hand molasses all
mara made in moab
cain naphtali barabbas rothschild reich
noömi made in mara
molasses all

as many as 6 cups of barley were placed on her head
but stature alone gives the auslade
                                eisenwucht namer and name
or the sephiroth swings
beats of the metaphone
mara made in moab
noömi made in mara
but all is molasses
and all is ashes
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère