Poetry International Poetry International


03. I seek in poetic fashion

I seek in poetic fashion
that is to say
simple illuminated waters
to express
the extent of life’s entirety

had I not been human
the same as crowds of others
but had I been who I was
the stone or liquid angel
birth and decomposition would not have touched me
the road from abandonment to communion
the stones stones animals animals birds birds road
would not be as soiled
as what can now be seen in my poems
that are random pictures of that road

in this age what people used to call
beauty beauty her face has burnt
she comforts mankind no longer
she comforts the larvae the reptiles the rats
but she startles mankind
and strikes him with the sense
of being a breadcrumb on the skirt of the universe

no longer just evil
the fatal blow makes us rebellious or humble
but also good
the embrace leaves us desperately fumbling
with space

I therefore turned
to language in her beauty
heard there that she had nothing more human
than the speech impediments of the shadow
than those of the deafening sunlight

ik tracht op poëtische wijze

ik tracht op poëtische wijze
dat wil zeggen
eenvouds verlichte waters
de ruimte van het volledig leven
tot uitdrukking te brengen

ware ik geen mens geweest
gelijk aan menigte mensen
maar ware ik die ik was
de stenen of vloeibare engel
geboorte en ontbinding hadden mij niet aangeraakt
de weg van verlatenheid naar gemeenschap
de stenen stenen dieren dieren vogels vogels weg
zou niet zo bevuild zijn
als dat nu te zien is aan mijn gedichten
die momentopnamen zijn van die weg

in deze tijd heeft wat men altijd noemde
schoonheid schoonheid haar gezicht verbrand
zij troost niet meer de mensen
zij troost de larven de reptielen de ratten
maar de mens verschrikt zij
en treft hem met het besef
een broodkruimel te zijn op de rok van het universum

niet meer alleen het kwade
de doodsteek maakt ons opstandig of deemoedig
maar ook het goede
de omarming laat ons wanhopig aan de ruimte

ik heb daarom de taal
in haar schoonheid opgezocht
hoorde daar dat zij niet meer menselijks had
dan de spraakgebreken van de schaduw
dan die van het oorverdovend zonlicht

03. I seek in poetic fashion

I seek in poetic fashion
that is to say
simple illuminated waters
to express
the extent of life’s entirety

had I not been human
the same as crowds of others
but had I been who I was
the stone or liquid angel
birth and decomposition would not have touched me
the road from abandonment to communion
the stones stones animals animals birds birds road
would not be as soiled
as what can now be seen in my poems
that are random pictures of that road

in this age what people used to call
beauty beauty her face has burnt
she comforts mankind no longer
she comforts the larvae the reptiles the rats
but she startles mankind
and strikes him with the sense
of being a breadcrumb on the skirt of the universe

no longer just evil
the fatal blow makes us rebellious or humble
but also good
the embrace leaves us desperately fumbling
with space

I therefore turned
to language in her beauty
heard there that she had nothing more human
than the speech impediments of the shadow
than those of the deafening sunlight

03. I seek in poetic fashion

I seek in poetic fashion
that is to say
simple illuminated waters
to express
the extent of life’s entirety

had I not been human
the same as crowds of others
but had I been who I was
the stone or liquid angel
birth and decomposition would not have touched me
the road from abandonment to communion
the stones stones animals animals birds birds road
would not be as soiled
as what can now be seen in my poems
that are random pictures of that road

in this age what people used to call
beauty beauty her face has burnt
she comforts mankind no longer
she comforts the larvae the reptiles the rats
but she startles mankind
and strikes him with the sense
of being a breadcrumb on the skirt of the universe

no longer just evil
the fatal blow makes us rebellious or humble
but also good
the embrace leaves us desperately fumbling
with space

I therefore turned
to language in her beauty
heard there that she had nothing more human
than the speech impediments of the shadow
than those of the deafening sunlight
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère