Poetry International Poetry International

Ann Cotten


And the people came and looked on, holding their rings in their fingers.
How they talked! “Where would the lie be, then?” and again,
“Where would be the lie?” For unwittingly the songs
had found the subjunctive, a present milder
than the times allowed.
                                                   More gallant
and more false were the words of the culture men.*
They are used to mastering everything with grace, covering
abominable gaps with pretty lids, adding banisters
and standing on it all, even though it slants.
And they talk then, inconspicuously, so all can see
how easy it could be.

                                         But one is not everyone, no!
Exceptions, wildly defended, look best on those
who know how to avoid quelques choses.
They will always be the knob and not the hand.

Shareholders fanned the wounds with their light clothing.
They claim to understand things that come like giant cranes.
So we used them as gods, irregular gods
to play along the hems of the customers.

The latter, clouds in pants, sleeping hustlers,
wanked around in swarms, gushing like animals, spitting
fire when it tipped and threw them off. They mixed
fondness and fear, their love was horrible; ironic
observers observed large stains spreading over the land.

The observers tried to show something with curious saltations.
But the people just twisted their rings and twisted and twisted them.
They did not want to take that step, for as it was, they knew
their problems safely separated from their solutions,
which scared them.

And thus they lived long with heartburn and nausea,
saw the foe in their bedrooms and ignored him.


En zo kwamen de mensen kijken, hun ring in de vingers.

Hoe de mensen praatten! ‘Waar zou de leugen blijven?’ en weer:

‘Waar zou de leugen blijven?’ Want onwillekeurig hadden de liederen

de conjunctief presens gevonden, zachter

dan de tijden eigenlijk toestaan.


en fouter drukten de cultuurdragers zich uit. Zij

weten alles altijd weer elegant te beredderen, gruwelijke

kloven met platen te bedekken, leuningen

aan te brengen en, ook al is een en ander scheef, erop te staan

en onopvallend te spreken, opdat allen zouden zien 

hoe gemakkelijk het zou gaan.

                                                     Maar een enkeling zijn niet allen, nee!

De heftig verdedigde uitzondering kan gemakkelijk de man kleden

die de kunst verstaat het meeste te ontlopen. 

Hij zal altijd gesp zijn, nooit wesp.

Met hun gemakkelijke kleding waaiden vennoten wonden koelte toe.

Zij beweerden dingen te begrijpen die als

reuzenkranen kwamen; zo namen we hen gewoon als

goden aan, onregelmatige goden aan de klanten hun zomen.

Deze, wolken in broeken, de slapende namen,

dwaalden in zwermen, dweepten als dieren en plengden

gif, als het kantelde en hen afwierp. Zij mengden

lusten met vrees, de liefde was vreselijk, de spotters

namen overal opduikende vlekken waar.

Zij probeerden hun met gek gestuiter iets te zeggen.

Maar ze draaiden en draaiden hun ring en draaiden hem.

Ze willen deze stap niet zetten, zo hielden ze
de problemen netjes gescheiden van de uitwegen die hen deden rillen.

Zo leefden ze lang, met brandend maagzuur; ontwaarden de vijand en versmaadden hem.


Und es kamen die Leute und schauten, den Ring in den Fingern.
Wie die Leute sprachen! “Wo bliebe die Lüge?” und wieder:
“Wo bliebe die Lüge?” Denn ungewusst hatten die Lieder
den konjunktivischen Präsens gefunden, einen linderen
als eigentlich die Zeiten erlauben.

und falscher drückten sich die Kulturträger aus. Sie
sind gewohnt, elegant alles zu meistern, grausige
Zwischenräume mit Platten zu decken, Geländer
einzufügen und, wenn es auch schief ist, darauf zu stehen
und merkmallos zu reden, dass alle sehen
wie leicht es ginge.

                                   Einer sind aber nicht alle, nein!
Die wild verteidigte Ausnahme kann leicht kleiden
den, der es versteht, das meiste zu meiden.
Er wird immer Schnalle, nicht Kralle sein.

Mit ihrer leichten Kleidung befächelten Gesellschafter Wunden.
Sie behaupteten, Dinge zu verstehen, die wie
Riesen-Krane kamen; da nahmen wir eben sie wie
Götter hin, unregelmäßige Götter an den Säumen der Kunden.
Diese, Wolken in Hosen, die schlafenden Namen,
irrten in Schwärmen, schwärmten wie Tiere und zischten
Gift, wenn es kippte und sie abwarf. Sie mischten
Mögen und Furcht, die Liebe war schrecklich, die Spötter
beobachteten sich ausbreitende Flecken.
Sie versuchten durch seltsame Sprünge ihnen etwas mitzuteilen.
Die aber drehten und drehten den Ring und drehten ihn.
Sie wollen diesen Schritt nicht tun, so wussten sie
die Probleme sicher getrennt von den Lösungen, die sie schaudern ließen.
So lebten sie mit Sodbrennen lang; erspähten den Feind und verschmähten ihn.


And the people came and looked on, holding their rings in their fingers.
How they talked! “Where would the lie be, then?” and again,
“Where would be the lie?” For unwittingly the songs
had found the subjunctive, a present milder
than the times allowed.
                                                   More gallant
and more false were the words of the culture men.*
They are used to mastering everything with grace, covering
abominable gaps with pretty lids, adding banisters
and standing on it all, even though it slants.
And they talk then, inconspicuously, so all can see
how easy it could be.

                                         But one is not everyone, no!
Exceptions, wildly defended, look best on those
who know how to avoid quelques choses.
They will always be the knob and not the hand.

Shareholders fanned the wounds with their light clothing.
They claim to understand things that come like giant cranes.
So we used them as gods, irregular gods
to play along the hems of the customers.

The latter, clouds in pants, sleeping hustlers,
wanked around in swarms, gushing like animals, spitting
fire when it tipped and threw them off. They mixed
fondness and fear, their love was horrible; ironic
observers observed large stains spreading over the land.

The observers tried to show something with curious saltations.
But the people just twisted their rings and twisted and twisted them.
They did not want to take that step, for as it was, they knew
their problems safely separated from their solutions,
which scared them.

And thus they lived long with heartburn and nausea,
saw the foe in their bedrooms and ignored him.


And the people came and looked on, holding their rings in their fingers.
How they talked! “Where would the lie be, then?” and again,
“Where would be the lie?” For unwittingly the songs
had found the subjunctive, a present milder
than the times allowed.
                                                   More gallant
and more false were the words of the culture men.*
They are used to mastering everything with grace, covering
abominable gaps with pretty lids, adding banisters
and standing on it all, even though it slants.
And they talk then, inconspicuously, so all can see
how easy it could be.

                                         But one is not everyone, no!
Exceptions, wildly defended, look best on those
who know how to avoid quelques choses.
They will always be the knob and not the hand.

Shareholders fanned the wounds with their light clothing.
They claim to understand things that come like giant cranes.
So we used them as gods, irregular gods
to play along the hems of the customers.

The latter, clouds in pants, sleeping hustlers,
wanked around in swarms, gushing like animals, spitting
fire when it tipped and threw them off. They mixed
fondness and fear, their love was horrible; ironic
observers observed large stains spreading over the land.

The observers tried to show something with curious saltations.
But the people just twisted their rings and twisted and twisted them.
They did not want to take that step, for as it was, they knew
their problems safely separated from their solutions,
which scared them.

And thus they lived long with heartburn and nausea,
saw the foe in their bedrooms and ignored him.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère