Ann Cotten
They’re sputtering like motors with no clue,the oil wants to get out and spits
words only to lose them
like dead good mousers.
The mouser’s paws lie, stiff, beside the well,
gathering gravel to the small wet heart.
What made it stick so closely to the ground?
No man’s innocent motors.
© Translation: 2011, Ann Cotten
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2011
Ze sputteren als uit radeloze motorende olie wil eruit nu en spuugt
woordjes om ze kwijt te raken
als dode kattenpoten.
De dode kat ligt bij de putrand
en harkt de kiezels vlak bij het klamme hart.
De kleine poten werden overreden
door niemands radeloze motoren.
© Vertaling: 2011, Erik de Smedt
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Sie fauchen wie aus ratlosen Motoren,das Öl will bloß hinaus und spuckt
Vokabel, um sie loszuwerden
wie toter Mauser Pfoten.
Der tote Mauser liegt am Brunnenrand
und klaubt die Steine nah am klammen Herz.
Die kleinen Pfoten wurden überfahren
von keines Mannes ratlosen Motoren.
© 2010, Ann Cotten
From: Florida-Räume
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Berlin
From: Florida-Räume
Publisher: Suhrkamp, Berlin
Poems of Ann Cotten
They’re sputtering like motors with no clue,the oil wants to get out and spits
words only to lose them
like dead good mousers.
The mouser’s paws lie, stiff, beside the well,
gathering gravel to the small wet heart.
What made it stick so closely to the ground?
No man’s innocent motors.
© 2011, Ann Cotten
From: Florida-Räume
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Berlin
From: Florida-Räume
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW, Berlin
They’re sputtering like motors with no clue,the oil wants to get out and spits
words only to lose them
like dead good mousers.
The mouser’s paws lie, stiff, beside the well,
gathering gravel to the small wet heart.
What made it stick so closely to the ground?
No man’s innocent motors.
© 2011, Ann Cotten
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2011, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère