Poetry International Poetry International

Remco Campert

Old Story

It’s the same old story:
he’s feeling bored
do I have to listen to this?
even the reader somewhere in my head
turns away in disgust
getting bored that’s something for when you’re fourteen
then you’ve a right to boredom
you can even feel despair

now he’s eighty
life has deprived him of that right
he is no longer allowed the luxury of idleness
in this world
where even the most pathetic bamboo flute
played by the poorest little garbage-scavenger
still makes music



Het is weer het oude geluid:
hij zit zich te vervelen
moet ik dit horen?
zelfs de lezer die ergens in mijn hoofd meeleest
wendt zich korzelig af
je vervelen doe je maar als je veertien bent
dan heb je recht op verveling
desnoods tot op het desperate af

nu op zijn tachtigste heeft het leven
hem dat recht uit handen gespeeld
die luie luxe is hem niet meer toegestaan
in deze wereld
waar zelfs het schraalste bamboefluitje
van het armoedigste vuilnisbeltkind
nog muziek maakt

Old Story

It’s the same old story:
he’s feeling bored
do I have to listen to this?
even the reader somewhere in my head
turns away in disgust
getting bored that’s something for when you’re fourteen
then you’ve a right to boredom
you can even feel despair

now he’s eighty
life has deprived him of that right
he is no longer allowed the luxury of idleness
in this world
where even the most pathetic bamboo flute
played by the poorest little garbage-scavenger
still makes music

Old Story

It’s the same old story:
he’s feeling bored
do I have to listen to this?
even the reader somewhere in my head
turns away in disgust
getting bored that’s something for when you’re fourteen
then you’ve a right to boredom
you can even feel despair

now he’s eighty
life has deprived him of that right
he is no longer allowed the luxury of idleness
in this world
where even the most pathetic bamboo flute
played by the poorest little garbage-scavenger
still makes music
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère