Poetry International Poetry International

Remco Campert


Write it down quickly
before I forget
in the car with D. and N.
cutting across America’s seasons
muggy sunlight in Santa Barbara
wet snow in Denver
and in every Best Western hotel
the TV’s flickering light
on her dear sleeping face
like a young girl once again

but writing down the words
alters what I want to remember
that which had no words
was a living breathing image
so now I have two versions of the same
today I can superimpose them
but tomorrow when I’m gone
only the words are left
signs evoking something
that no eye sees anymore



Gauw opschrijven
voor ik het vergeet:
in de auto met D. en N.
dwars door Amerika’s seizonen heen
vochtige zon in Santa Barbara
kletsnatte sneeuw in Denver
en in alle Best Westerns
het knipperlicht van de televisie
op haar lieve, slapende gezicht
van weer heel jong meisje zijn

maar het schrijven van de woorden
verandert wat ik niet vergeten moet
dat wat geen woorden had
enkel levend, ademend beeld was
zodat ik nu twee versies van hetzelfde heb
die ik vandaag nog over elkaar kan leggen
maar waarvan morgen als ik weg ben
alleen de woorden resten
tekens die aan iets herinneren
waar geen oog meer weet van heeft


Write it down quickly
before I forget
in the car with D. and N.
cutting across America’s seasons
muggy sunlight in Santa Barbara
wet snow in Denver
and in every Best Western hotel
the TV’s flickering light
on her dear sleeping face
like a young girl once again

but writing down the words
alters what I want to remember
that which had no words
was a living breathing image
so now I have two versions of the same
today I can superimpose them
but tomorrow when I’m gone
only the words are left
signs evoking something
that no eye sees anymore


Write it down quickly
before I forget
in the car with D. and N.
cutting across America’s seasons
muggy sunlight in Santa Barbara
wet snow in Denver
and in every Best Western hotel
the TV’s flickering light
on her dear sleeping face
like a young girl once again

but writing down the words
alters what I want to remember
that which had no words
was a living breathing image
so now I have two versions of the same
today I can superimpose them
but tomorrow when I’m gone
only the words are left
signs evoking something
that no eye sees anymore
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère