Poetry International Poetry International

Kim Hyesoon


There is another you inside you

The you inside you pulls you tight into the inside, so your fingernails curl inward and your outer ears swirl into the inside of your body you would probably leave this life the moment the you inside you lets go of the hand that grabs you

Your face stays frozen in motion as the you inside you pulls you hard at times, that face leans towards mine outside of you and I can feel the you inside you looking at me from the inside of your eyes; but the you inside you has never once let go of the hand that grabs you as always you are pulled tight now your face has deep creases from the strain

The you inside you is so strong that the I inside me is about to get dragged into your inside

Now you are drinking a glass of red wine, holding a piece of cheese in your hand

The I inside me thinks about the face that the cheese is made of milk then worries about which cow inside the cow has spurted out the milk

Even if you are far away, another you inside you is here I can’t escape or avoid the you inside you

Maybe I am the prisoner of an absent being

I will certainly stay alive while the I inside me clutches onto me; furthermore, I want to deliver the cheese made of me inside me to your table every morning


Er zit een andere jij in jou
De jij in jou trekt jou stevig binnen in je lichaam en zo rollen jouw vingertoppen naar binnen op en ook wordt jouw oorschelp in wervelingen je lichaam ingezogen op het moment dat de jij in jou de hand loslaat die aan jou trok zul jij misschien uit deze wereld treden
Jouw gezicht is in de aanblik van de jij in jou die jou strak aantrekt verhard soms leunt dat gezicht ook over naar mijn gezicht buiten jou en ook voel ik jou in de jij die mij met de twee pupillen van je ogen bekijkt maar de jij in jou heeft nog niet een keer de hand losgelaten die trok aan jou onveranderlijk ben jij strak aangetrokken diep zijn nu de rimpels in je gezicht door het verdragen van de druk
De jij in jou is wel zo sterk dat de ik in mij op het punt staat bij jou naar binnen te worden getrokken
Nu drink jij een glas rode druivensap met wat kaas in de hand
De ik in mij herinnert zich dat kaas wordt gemaakt van melk en meteen maak ik mij er druk over welke koe in een koe die melk naar buiten liet spuiten
Ook al ben jij ver van hier vandaan de jij in jou is altijd weer hier de jij in jou kan ik niet wegsturen of uit de weg gaan
Ik ben misschien de gijzelaar van een afwezige
Terwijl de ik in mij stevig aan mij trekt blijf ik zeker in leven maar sterker nog de kaas die elke ochtend van de mij in mij wordt gemaakt wil ik aan jouw tafel opdienen



There is another you inside you

The you inside you pulls you tight into the inside, so your fingernails curl inward and your outer ears swirl into the inside of your body you would probably leave this life the moment the you inside you lets go of the hand that grabs you

Your face stays frozen in motion as the you inside you pulls you hard at times, that face leans towards mine outside of you and I can feel the you inside you looking at me from the inside of your eyes; but the you inside you has never once let go of the hand that grabs you as always you are pulled tight now your face has deep creases from the strain

The you inside you is so strong that the I inside me is about to get dragged into your inside

Now you are drinking a glass of red wine, holding a piece of cheese in your hand

The I inside me thinks about the face that the cheese is made of milk then worries about which cow inside the cow has spurted out the milk

Even if you are far away, another you inside you is here I can’t escape or avoid the you inside you

Maybe I am the prisoner of an absent being

I will certainly stay alive while the I inside me clutches onto me; furthermore, I want to deliver the cheese made of me inside me to your table every morning


There is another you inside you

The you inside you pulls you tight into the inside, so your fingernails curl inward and your outer ears swirl into the inside of your body you would probably leave this life the moment the you inside you lets go of the hand that grabs you

Your face stays frozen in motion as the you inside you pulls you hard at times, that face leans towards mine outside of you and I can feel the you inside you looking at me from the inside of your eyes; but the you inside you has never once let go of the hand that grabs you as always you are pulled tight now your face has deep creases from the strain

The you inside you is so strong that the I inside me is about to get dragged into your inside

Now you are drinking a glass of red wine, holding a piece of cheese in your hand

The I inside me thinks about the face that the cheese is made of milk then worries about which cow inside the cow has spurted out the milk

Even if you are far away, another you inside you is here I can’t escape or avoid the you inside you

Maybe I am the prisoner of an absent being

I will certainly stay alive while the I inside me clutches onto me; furthermore, I want to deliver the cheese made of me inside me to your table every morning
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère