Poetry International Poetry International

Tomas Lieske


The sun as fireball right over us and boiling with flames of gas,
while it rests lazily and warms us, giving food and energy and light.

Tough, mathematical sun, inventor of logarithms and epicycles, drawer
of all tangents and colourist of ash-grey and mauve shadow levels.

Great atheist god of light, who with titanic tiara and iron-lined cloaks
irradiates the daily work on earth and blesses and warms it.

Cherished Mediterranean friend above the trembling cattle of Umbria,
bouncing down the village squares and ancient, blood-stained courtyards.

Conspicuous by its absence in the damp, connected, gloomy dungeons
of the papal reign of terror, knocking on the walls as thick as cauldrons.

Burning hiker on the path of stars between the blind and glittering animals,
good-natured champion who lashes out at giants far away and having fun.

Little youth god with whose help love grows, increasing lust by leaps,
the horny thoughts stretch out warm claws to dresses much too short.

Sun, holy godly sun, you stunning chariot full of luminous gas,
which always healed us, be mild and sprinkle your favours on earth.



De zon als vuurbol recht boven ons en kokend met vlammen en gas,
zelf lui achterover en ons warmen en voeding geven en energie en licht.

Taaie, wiskundige zon, uitvinder van logaritmes en epicykels, tekenaar
van alle raaklijnen en colorist van de asgrijze en mauve schaduwtinten.

Grote atheїstische lichtgod, die met titaanse tiara en ijzergevoerde mantels
het dagwerk van de aarde beschijnt en zegent en verwarmt.

Dierbare mediterrane vriend boven de lillende runderen van Umbrië,
stuiterend op dorpspleinen en op oude, bloedbevlekte binnenplaatsen.

Grote afwezige in de sombere ineengevlochten en vochtige kerkers
van het pauselijk schrikbewind, kloppend op de keteldikke muren.

Brandende wandelaar over het sterrenpad tussen de blinde, fonkelende dieren,
zachtaardige kampioen die uithaalt naar reuzen die ver weg zich vermaken.

Kleine jeugdgod met wiens hulp de liefde groeit, de lust sprongsgewijs toeneemt,
de geile gedachten warme klauwen uitstrekken naar de veel te korte jurken.

Zon, heilige goddelijke zon, bloedmooie strijdwagen vol lichtend gas,
die ons altijd genas, wees mild en strooi uw gunsten op aarde.


The sun as fireball right over us and boiling with flames of gas,
while it rests lazily and warms us, giving food and energy and light.

Tough, mathematical sun, inventor of logarithms and epicycles, drawer
of all tangents and colourist of ash-grey and mauve shadow levels.

Great atheist god of light, who with titanic tiara and iron-lined cloaks
irradiates the daily work on earth and blesses and warms it.

Cherished Mediterranean friend above the trembling cattle of Umbria,
bouncing down the village squares and ancient, blood-stained courtyards.

Conspicuous by its absence in the damp, connected, gloomy dungeons
of the papal reign of terror, knocking on the walls as thick as cauldrons.

Burning hiker on the path of stars between the blind and glittering animals,
good-natured champion who lashes out at giants far away and having fun.

Little youth god with whose help love grows, increasing lust by leaps,
the horny thoughts stretch out warm claws to dresses much too short.

Sun, holy godly sun, you stunning chariot full of luminous gas,
which always healed us, be mild and sprinkle your favours on earth.


The sun as fireball right over us and boiling with flames of gas,
while it rests lazily and warms us, giving food and energy and light.

Tough, mathematical sun, inventor of logarithms and epicycles, drawer
of all tangents and colourist of ash-grey and mauve shadow levels.

Great atheist god of light, who with titanic tiara and iron-lined cloaks
irradiates the daily work on earth and blesses and warms it.

Cherished Mediterranean friend above the trembling cattle of Umbria,
bouncing down the village squares and ancient, blood-stained courtyards.

Conspicuous by its absence in the damp, connected, gloomy dungeons
of the papal reign of terror, knocking on the walls as thick as cauldrons.

Burning hiker on the path of stars between the blind and glittering animals,
good-natured champion who lashes out at giants far away and having fun.

Little youth god with whose help love grows, increasing lust by leaps,
the horny thoughts stretch out warm claws to dresses much too short.

Sun, holy godly sun, you stunning chariot full of luminous gas,
which always healed us, be mild and sprinkle your favours on earth.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère