Poetry International Poetry International

Ramsey Nasr

wonderful month

that was in the wonderful month
of excess and of blossomings
when my chest swirled up like poppies
ribs splaying like gaudy quills
May cut free my meagre tongue
consuming similes like fire water

I felt ashamed a polder reflex
overcoated between the raindrop and the wind
insensitive to bushes branches thorns
I caught my death of light
                                                     and rubbed it in
transparent humiliating sparkle sneezing
came upon me oh wondrous there I went
less would be enough to shame the most
but this was my affliction utter love

wonderbaarlijke maand

wonderbaarlijke maand

dat was in de wonderbaarlijke maand
van bloesemingen en overvloed
toen mijn borstkas opstoof als papaver
ribben in sierpennen uitwaaierden
mei mijn magere taal openbrak
vergelijkingen vrat als vuur water

ik schaamde mij diep naar poldergewoonte
in loden jas tussen druppel en wind
ongevoelig bij takken struikgewas doornen
had ik licht opgevat
                                         ik wreef haar in
en doorzichtig vernederend fonkelniezen
kwam over mij o wonder daar ging ik
men zou van minder uit schamen gaan
maar dit was mijn ziekte baarlijke liefde

wonderful month

that was in the wonderful month
of excess and of blossomings
when my chest swirled up like poppies
ribs splaying like gaudy quills
May cut free my meagre tongue
consuming similes like fire water

I felt ashamed a polder reflex
overcoated between the raindrop and the wind
insensitive to bushes branches thorns
I caught my death of light
                                                     and rubbed it in
transparent humiliating sparkle sneezing
came upon me oh wondrous there I went
less would be enough to shame the most
but this was my affliction utter love

wonderful month

that was in the wonderful month
of excess and of blossomings
when my chest swirled up like poppies
ribs splaying like gaudy quills
May cut free my meagre tongue
consuming similes like fire water

I felt ashamed a polder reflex
overcoated between the raindrop and the wind
insensitive to bushes branches thorns
I caught my death of light
                                                     and rubbed it in
transparent humiliating sparkle sneezing
came upon me oh wondrous there I went
less would be enough to shame the most
but this was my affliction utter love
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère