Admiel Kosman
Please, I’m encroaching on Your generosity in English this time. I say
“help” instead of ah-zor, “save” instead of ho-she-ya. Because I’ve forgotten
how to unlock the words at the heart of ancient Hebrew.
Please won’t You be so kind and understand me this once
in a broken foreign tongue.
I’m breaking up the words for You. Slicing the sentence as if it were a communion wafer.
Large slices, for two.
Can You hear me this time? In the language of non-Jews? Can you understand
me, tongue-tied, stammering in obscure speech to a foreign audience?
Officially You may refuse. I know. I’m
approaching You in English this once.
But, please, out of generosity,
be attentive to the heart.
Even if it’s pointless,
tasteless. Please accept an offering
from me this time.
I’m pleading with You,
please understand,
don't be offended,
even if when I approach
I seem to You to cross myself.
From: Approaching You in English
Publisher: Zephyr, Brookline, MA, 2011
Wees alstublieft zo goed, ik vraag het U deze keer in het Engels
Wees alstublieft zo goed, ik vraag het U deze keer in het Engels, ik zegNu help in plaats van azor en save in plaats van hosjiea omdat ik vergeten ben
Hoe je de woorden in het hart van de oeroude taal opent.
Wees alstublieft zo goed mij deze keer te willen verstaan, zij het in een gebroken vreemde taal.
Ik breek de woorden voor U in tweeën. Grote brokken.
Ik breek een stuk zin af als was het een hostie.
Zult U mij deze keer aanhoren? In de taal der gojim? Zult U mij,
Zwaar van tong, stotterend, in een massa welbespraakte vreemdelingen verstaan?
U kunt officieel ook weigeren. Dat weet ik. Tenslotte
Spreek ik U deze keer in het Engels aan.
Maar wees alstublieft zo goed
Mijn hart aan te horen,
Ook al is alles nog zo flauw,
Zo zinloos. En neem dit offer
Alstublieft van mij
Aan. Deze ene keer.
Begrijp het
Wees niet beledigd,
Ook al dacht U toen ik binnenkwam
Dat ik een kruis sloeg.
אנא בטובך, אני פונה אליך באנגלית הפעם

Please, I’m encroaching on Your generosity in English this time. I say
“help” instead of ah-zor, “save” instead of ho-she-ya. Because I’ve forgotten
how to unlock the words at the heart of ancient Hebrew.
Please won’t You be so kind and understand me this once
in a broken foreign tongue.
I’m breaking up the words for You. Slicing the sentence as if it were a communion wafer.
Large slices, for two.
Can You hear me this time? In the language of non-Jews? Can you understand
me, tongue-tied, stammering in obscure speech to a foreign audience?
Officially You may refuse. I know. I’m
approaching You in English this once.
But, please, out of generosity,
be attentive to the heart.
Even if it’s pointless,
tasteless. Please accept an offering
from me this time.
I’m pleading with You,
please understand,
don't be offended,
even if when I approach
I seem to You to cross myself.
From: Approaching You in English
Publisher: 2011, Zephyr, Brookline, MA
Please, I’m encroaching on Your generosity in English this time. I say
“help” instead of ah-zor, “save” instead of ho-she-ya. Because I’ve forgotten
how to unlock the words at the heart of ancient Hebrew.
Please won’t You be so kind and understand me this once
in a broken foreign tongue.
I’m breaking up the words for You. Slicing the sentence as if it were a communion wafer.
Large slices, for two.
Can You hear me this time? In the language of non-Jews? Can you understand
me, tongue-tied, stammering in obscure speech to a foreign audience?
Officially You may refuse. I know. I’m
approaching You in English this once.
But, please, out of generosity,
be attentive to the heart.
Even if it’s pointless,
tasteless. Please accept an offering
from me this time.
I’m pleading with You,
please understand,
don't be offended,
even if when I approach
I seem to You to cross myself.
From: Approaching You in English
Publisher: 2011, Zephyr, Brookline, MA