Poetry International Poetry International

Ruth Lasters

Moving on

If moving on seems impossible, then choose one single
moving on, one splendidly

stubborn deed, if need be: hearing fizzy water every midnight
exploding bubbles, a sort of star-listening
instead of star-gazing. If moving on is impossible,

then choose one journey backward to a moment when
all the ‘one days’ you were promised suddenly became now,
perhaps to that morning when ambition was just

growing with you like grey mould
through a loaf.



Als verdergaan onmogelijk lijkt, kies dan één enkel
verdergaan, één heerlijke

hardnekkigheid, desnoods om drie uur elke nacht spuitwater
horen stukknappende bellen, een soort sterrenluisteren
in plaats van sterrenkijken. Als verdergaan onmogelijk

is, kies dan één teruggaan naar een toen dat alle ooits
die je beloofd waren plots nu werden, misschien wel naar
die ochtend dat ambitie och, wat willen groeien met

je was als grauwe schimmel door een

Moving on

If moving on seems impossible, then choose one single
moving on, one splendidly

stubborn deed, if need be: hearing fizzy water every midnight
exploding bubbles, a sort of star-listening
instead of star-gazing. If moving on is impossible,

then choose one journey backward to a moment when
all the ‘one days’ you were promised suddenly became now,
perhaps to that morning when ambition was just

growing with you like grey mould
through a loaf.

Moving on

If moving on seems impossible, then choose one single
moving on, one splendidly

stubborn deed, if need be: hearing fizzy water every midnight
exploding bubbles, a sort of star-listening
instead of star-gazing. If moving on is impossible,

then choose one journey backward to a moment when
all the ‘one days’ you were promised suddenly became now,
perhaps to that morning when ambition was just

growing with you like grey mould
through a loaf.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère