L.F. Rosen
To My Translator
Here and there a button’s gone,a collar, a seam’s fit to burst,
the shears have missed the flesh by a whisker
and I miss too the black bordering
of the commas and stops after words
picked purposely by me.
Although his hands trembled with excitement
when he stuck his needles in my sentences,
he was not piqued by my questions.
Loose ends stay loose, in any other language too.
I awoke in strange clothes.
But they look good,
though my own kit, I thought,
did too and seemed
to fit a slightly bloodier-
minded sort.
© Translation: 2009, Paul Vincent
Aan mijn vertaler
Aan mijn vertaler
Hier en daar ontbreekt een knoop,een kraag, staat een naad op barsten,
heeft de schaar maar net het vlees ge-
mist en mis ik ook het zwarte zoomwerk
van de komma’s en de punten bij door
mij met nadruk uitgekozen woorden.
Hoewel zijn handen van opwinding trilden
toen hij zijn naalden in mijn zinnen stak,
heeft hij aan mijn vragen niet getornd.
Rafels blijven rafels, ook in elke andere taal.
In vreemde kleren ben ik
ontwaakt. Maar het staat
mij, al stond mijn eigen pak
mij ook en lijkt het of
daarin een ietwat eigen-
zinniger heerschap stak.
© 2008, L.F. Rosen
From: Droomvlees
Publisher: Wagner & Van Santen, Sliedrecht
From: Droomvlees
Publisher: Wagner & Van Santen, Sliedrecht
Poems of L.F. Rosen
To My Translator
Here and there a button’s gone,a collar, a seam’s fit to burst,
the shears have missed the flesh by a whisker
and I miss too the black bordering
of the commas and stops after words
picked purposely by me.
Although his hands trembled with excitement
when he stuck his needles in my sentences,
he was not piqued by my questions.
Loose ends stay loose, in any other language too.
I awoke in strange clothes.
But they look good,
though my own kit, I thought,
did too and seemed
to fit a slightly bloodier-
minded sort.
© 2009, Paul Vincent
From: Droomvlees
From: Droomvlees
To My Translator
Here and there a button’s gone,a collar, a seam’s fit to burst,
the shears have missed the flesh by a whisker
and I miss too the black bordering
of the commas and stops after words
picked purposely by me.
Although his hands trembled with excitement
when he stuck his needles in my sentences,
he was not piqued by my questions.
Loose ends stay loose, in any other language too.
I awoke in strange clothes.
But they look good,
though my own kit, I thought,
did too and seemed
to fit a slightly bloodier-
minded sort.
© 2009, Paul Vincent

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère