H.H. ter Balkt
Timid Fire
Time was lacking,yes, no doubt about it.
A black thrush was singing
shamelessly, poor
adversary, bell-ringer …
Second Prometheus, risen
from the really hot regions,
stoked up from Styx’ waters,
from end-of-days-elixir,
pecked the view day after day
and handed us over, to
the treasure fleet of vultures …
I awoke in the night
that winter-time set in,
when ghosts and antlers
stuck out from the long wall;
the midwinter horns blew
and dry brushwood climbed:
‘… Big Bells Good-bye
… Blue Bells Good-bye’
There’s a raid going on
against all that exists.
The oat field saw it,
the fireworks maker did not.
9 November 2004
© Translation: 2008, Willem Groenewegen
Bleu vuur
Bleu vuur
’t Schortte toen aan tijd,ja, dat lijdt geen twijfel.
Er zong een zwarte lijster
tegen de klippen, arme
bestrijder; klokkenluider ...
Tweede Prometheus, gestegen
uit de heel hete regionen,
gestookt uit Styx’ wateren,
uit laatste-dagen-elixer,
pikte dag na dag ’t zicht
en leverde ons over, aan
de zilvervloot vol gieren ...
Ik werd wakker in de nacht
dat de wintertijd inging,
toen spoken en geweien
opstaken uit de lange muur;
de midwinterhoorns bliezen
en dor waaihout rankte:
‘… Big Bells Good-bye
… Blue Bells Good-bye’
There’s a raid going on
tegen al het bestaande.
De haverakker zag het,
en de vuurwerkmaker niet.
9 november 2004
© 2008, H.H. ter Balkt
From: Vuur
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
From: Vuur
Publisher: De Bezige Bij, Amsterdam
Poems of H.H. ter Balkt
Timid Fire
Time was lacking,yes, no doubt about it.
A black thrush was singing
shamelessly, poor
adversary, bell-ringer …
Second Prometheus, risen
from the really hot regions,
stoked up from Styx’ waters,
from end-of-days-elixir,
pecked the view day after day
and handed us over, to
the treasure fleet of vultures …
I awoke in the night
that winter-time set in,
when ghosts and antlers
stuck out from the long wall;
the midwinter horns blew
and dry brushwood climbed:
‘… Big Bells Good-bye
… Blue Bells Good-bye’
There’s a raid going on
against all that exists.
The oat field saw it,
the fireworks maker did not.
9 November 2004
© 2008, Willem Groenewegen
From: Vuur
From: Vuur
Timid Fire
Time was lacking,yes, no doubt about it.
A black thrush was singing
shamelessly, poor
adversary, bell-ringer …
Second Prometheus, risen
from the really hot regions,
stoked up from Styx’ waters,
from end-of-days-elixir,
pecked the view day after day
and handed us over, to
the treasure fleet of vultures …
I awoke in the night
that winter-time set in,
when ghosts and antlers
stuck out from the long wall;
the midwinter horns blew
and dry brushwood climbed:
‘… Big Bells Good-bye
… Blue Bells Good-bye’
There’s a raid going on
against all that exists.
The oat field saw it,
the fireworks maker did not.
9 November 2004
© 2008, Willem Groenewegen

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère