Adam Zagajewski
In February poplars are even sadderthan in summer, frozen stiff. My family
scattered through the whole earth, beneath the earth,
in different countries, in poems, paintings.
I’m on Na Groblach Square at noon.
I once visited (partly from
duty) my aunt and uncle here.
They no longer bemoaned their fate
or the regime, only their faces
looked like an empty antique shop.
Someone else now in their flat,
strangers, the scent of a strange life.
Nearby they’ve built a new hotel,
bright rooms, breakfast no doubt comme il faut,
juices, coffee, toast, glass, concrete,
forgetfulness – and suddenly, I don’t know why,
an instant of piercing happiness.
© Translation: 2008, Clare Cavanagh
In februari zijn de populieren nog slankerdan in de zomer, bevroren. Mijn familie
verspreid over de hele aarde, onder de aarde,
in verschillende landen, in gedichten, schilderijen.
Ik sta op een plein, Na Groblach, ’s middags.
Hier bezocht ik ooit (een beetje
uit plichtsbesef) oom en tante.
Zij klaagden niet eens meer over hun lot
of het systeem, alleen hun gezichten
hadden iets van een leeg antiquariaat.
Nu woont er een ander in deze woning,
vreemde mensen, de geur van andermans leven.
In de buurt is een nieuw hotel gebouwd,
lichte kamers, het ontbijt vast comme il faut,
een sapje, koffie en toast, glas, beton,
vergetelheid – en plotseling, ik weet niet waarom,
een moment van doordringende vreugde.
© Vertaling: 2008, Karol Lesman
W lutym topole są jeszcze smuklejszeniż w lecie, przemarznięte. Moja rodzina
rozproszona po całej ziemi, pod ziemią,
w różnych krajach, w wierszach, obrazach.
Jestem na placu Na Groblach, w południe.
Tutaj niekiedy odwiedzałem (trochę
z obowiązku) ciotkę i wuja.
Oni nawet nie narzekali już na los
czy system, tylko ich twarze
przypominały pusty antykwariat.
Teraz ktoś inny w tym mieszkaniu,
obcy ludzie, zapach cudzego życia.
W pobliżu zbudowano nowy hotel,
jasne pokoje, śniadania zapewne comme il faut,
soki, kawa i grzanki, szkło, beton,
zapomnienie – i naraz, nie wiem czemu,
moment przeszywającej radości.
© 2000, Adam Zagajewski
From: Zeszyty Literackie
From: Zeszyty Literackie
Poems of Adam Zagajewski
In February poplars are even sadderthan in summer, frozen stiff. My family
scattered through the whole earth, beneath the earth,
in different countries, in poems, paintings.
I’m on Na Groblach Square at noon.
I once visited (partly from
duty) my aunt and uncle here.
They no longer bemoaned their fate
or the regime, only their faces
looked like an empty antique shop.
Someone else now in their flat,
strangers, the scent of a strange life.
Nearby they’ve built a new hotel,
bright rooms, breakfast no doubt comme il faut,
juices, coffee, toast, glass, concrete,
forgetfulness – and suddenly, I don’t know why,
an instant of piercing happiness.
© 2008, Clare Cavanagh
From: Zeszyty Literackie
From: Zeszyty Literackie
In February poplars are even sadderthan in summer, frozen stiff. My family
scattered through the whole earth, beneath the earth,
in different countries, in poems, paintings.
I’m on Na Groblach Square at noon.
I once visited (partly from
duty) my aunt and uncle here.
They no longer bemoaned their fate
or the regime, only their faces
looked like an empty antique shop.
Someone else now in their flat,
strangers, the scent of a strange life.
Nearby they’ve built a new hotel,
bright rooms, breakfast no doubt comme il faut,
juices, coffee, toast, glass, concrete,
forgetfulness – and suddenly, I don’t know why,
an instant of piercing happiness.
© 2008, Clare Cavanagh

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère