Poetry International Poetry International

Hiroshi Kawasaki


A girl is running towards me
In the morning
Her supple hair
Melts into the sunlight
Blinding me

Her hands
Her skirt, her shoes, her body
Have melted into the sunlight
Now transparent
Just the girl
Running this way

The sunlight
Moves into the woods in the morning
The girl becomes green
Tree tops whisper to each other
As if they’d heard their mother tongue, one morning,
In a foreign country

The girl goes out to the meadow in the morning
A pair of cream-colored horses are eating dewy grass
“How will the green of the grass
Change inside the bellies of
The cream-colored horses?”
Wonders the girl.

Wondering, the girl comes to an orchard
Apples, in the apple orchard, are about to ripen
Fragrance saturates the air and lingers
Like mist
In a white room
The girl becomes
Imbued with the smell
From when no one knows
From where no one knows
A red color appears
The red skin grows resilient
Apples in the apple orchard
Resist bursting
In the bright light

The girl is
Running on and on

Ice breaks     Wind rises
Squirrels awake

The girl
Comes into my room where I am asleep
In the morning light
My mind, like some towel, is dyed various colors
Sometimes stripes
In my dream
The girl and I
Are subtly offset

Am I hearing the sound of water welling up?
Am I seeing how time moves on?

The girl and I
Delicately go
Beyond the dream

The girl slowly fades
Slowly I grow fulfilled

I see
The sun!


Hiroshi Kawasaki

Hiroshi Kawasaki

(Japan, 1930 - 2004)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Japan

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Japans

Gedichten Dichters



A girl is running towards me
In the morning
Her supple hair
Melts into the sunlight
Blinding me

Her hands
Her skirt, her shoes, her body
Have melted into the sunlight
Now transparent
Just the girl
Running this way

The sunlight
Moves into the woods in the morning
The girl becomes green
Tree tops whisper to each other
As if they’d heard their mother tongue, one morning,
In a foreign country

The girl goes out to the meadow in the morning
A pair of cream-colored horses are eating dewy grass
“How will the green of the grass
Change inside the bellies of
The cream-colored horses?”
Wonders the girl.

Wondering, the girl comes to an orchard
Apples, in the apple orchard, are about to ripen
Fragrance saturates the air and lingers
Like mist
In a white room
The girl becomes
Imbued with the smell
From when no one knows
From where no one knows
A red color appears
The red skin grows resilient
Apples in the apple orchard
Resist bursting
In the bright light

The girl is
Running on and on

Ice breaks     Wind rises
Squirrels awake

The girl
Comes into my room where I am asleep
In the morning light
My mind, like some towel, is dyed various colors
Sometimes stripes
In my dream
The girl and I
Are subtly offset

Am I hearing the sound of water welling up?
Am I seeing how time moves on?

The girl and I
Delicately go
Beyond the dream

The girl slowly fades
Slowly I grow fulfilled

I see
The sun!
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Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
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J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
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Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère