Poetry International Poetry International

F. van Dixhoorn

Page 6

                                              it gives me pleasure
                                              to look as if
                                              there are nuts
                                              3. not only do
                                              the surroundings disappear
                                              the object too
                                              on which initially
                                              the attention is focused
                                              1. she is absolutely right
                                              what you have too often
                                              seen no longer works
                                              this is how monkeys play
                                              2. a double role
                                              3. until we have had enough
                                              1. by evening helicopter
                                              they are shattered

pagina 6

                                              het doet me plezier
                                              te kijken
                                              alsof er noten zijn
                                              3. niet alleen
                                              de omgeving verdwijnt
                                              ook het object
                                              waarop in eerste instantie
                                              de aandacht wordt gericht
                                              1. ze heeft groot gelijk
                                              wat je te vaak hebt
                                              gezien werkt niet mee
                                              zo spelen apen
                                              2. een dubbelrol
                                              3. tot we er genoeg van hebben
                                              1. ’s avonds helikoper
                                              zijn ze kapot

pagina 6

                                              het doet me plezier
                                              te kijken
                                              alsof er noten zijn
                                              3. niet alleen
                                              de omgeving verdwijnt
                                              ook het object
                                              waarop in eerste instantie
                                              de aandacht wordt gericht
                                              1. ze heeft groot gelijk
                                              wat je te vaak hebt
                                              gezien werkt niet mee
                                              zo spelen apen
                                              2. een dubbelrol
                                              3. tot we er genoeg van hebben
                                              1. ’s avonds helikoper
                                              zijn ze kapot

Page 6

                                              it gives me pleasure
                                              to look as if
                                              there are nuts
                                              3. not only do
                                              the surroundings disappear
                                              the object too
                                              on which initially
                                              the attention is focused
                                              1. she is absolutely right
                                              what you have too often
                                              seen no longer works
                                              this is how monkeys play
                                              2. a double role
                                              3. until we have had enough
                                              1. by evening helicopter
                                              they are shattered
Gemeente Rotterdam
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