Poetry International Poetry International

Ahmed Joumari


O . . . do you remember that year ?
Great longing is still in the eyes.
Affliction in the broken heart
Still remembers the crucifixion
Of the city’s beautiful knight.
Tears soak my life inside
And rain falls
                               In curses of blood:
Why did you slaughter our cute child
You enemy of light and spring-time!?
The echo answers . . .
Why did you crucify the city’s beautiful knight
You enemy of light and luminosity?

My rubies flowed over blood!
O brothers, lying down in every grave
I saw you like birds in a dream
Covering the face of the sun with reproach!
And every time I saw you
There was sobbing in my blood.

O month of bitter sorrow, we lost everything
We lost even our tears
O terrible face of March

O dear little ones in beloved Morocco
If what befell me was liable to forgetting
I would have with mine eyes expressed
Khansa’s elegies of Sakhr, her brother, and then taken my rest.
If what befell me was liable to forgetting
I would have stood lamenting the flowers on every grave,
With tears
Overflowing in madness.
But o brothers . . . O my fate
The words in the elegy choke me
Because I could not expose my breast to bullets
In sacrifice . . . because – I beg your pardon – I am a coward.


Ahmed  Joumari

Ahmed Joumari

(Marokko, 1939)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Marokko

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Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Arabisch

Gedichten Dichters



O . . . do you remember that year ?
Great longing is still in the eyes.
Affliction in the broken heart
Still remembers the crucifixion
Of the city’s beautiful knight.
Tears soak my life inside
And rain falls
                               In curses of blood:
Why did you slaughter our cute child
You enemy of light and spring-time!?
The echo answers . . .
Why did you crucify the city’s beautiful knight
You enemy of light and luminosity?

My rubies flowed over blood!
O brothers, lying down in every grave
I saw you like birds in a dream
Covering the face of the sun with reproach!
And every time I saw you
There was sobbing in my blood.

O month of bitter sorrow, we lost everything
We lost even our tears
O terrible face of March

O dear little ones in beloved Morocco
If what befell me was liable to forgetting
I would have with mine eyes expressed
Khansa’s elegies of Sakhr, her brother, and then taken my rest.
If what befell me was liable to forgetting
I would have stood lamenting the flowers on every grave,
With tears
Overflowing in madness.
But o brothers . . . O my fate
The words in the elegy choke me
Because I could not expose my breast to bullets
In sacrifice . . . because – I beg your pardon – I am a coward.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère