Poetry International Poetry International

Nicolette Stasko

The Beekeeper Takes Out Insurance

The Beekeeper Takes Out Insurance

The Beekeeper Takes Out Insurance

My address...
sure  its Tarcutta
just turn left
the first dirt lane
past the north side
of town
you'll see the bees
the hives I mean
rows of them
got forty four now
The car... well no
its a truck
'68 Dodge painted green and
not a scratch
as good as the day I bought her
well not so green now
sun's hot out Tarcutta way
and well...
there is a ding not too big
about the size
of my fist here
well... maybe my arm or leg
but its just the one
got it that day
after the pub  celebrating
buying a new hive
turns out the bees were still in it
must have liked the box of plums
I bought from Thompson's
(the wife's jam making you see)
on the front seat
whole swarm of them
flew in the window
well what can a man do
when he's stung
straight into that big gum
you know the one
corner of the turn-off
to Jugiong
you want to see it...
here on my neck they were
and on my back
oh...you mean the truck
'68 Dodge's just about the best
don't have it with me though
got a ride with Cory
then walked the rest
its a long way
well... I don't have a license
do I
you'll believe me?
sure   'No Damage"  I'll sign
what's all this other stuff...
I'm a pretty slow reader but
if I sit down and
think it through
I can do it soon enough
take your time I say
helps to use a ruler
Yeah... $2000 I reckon
its worth
the DUI will be up in October
no  Wrigley was sick  it was a state
cop last month
got me
coming back from Kingy's
full  but not that full
bad luck
but I'll be wanting to take the bees down
Bateman's Bay
the tea-trees will be
middle of
flowering then
Nicolette Stasko

Nicolette Stasko

(Verenigde Staten, 1950)


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The Beekeeper Takes Out Insurance

My address...
sure  its Tarcutta
just turn left
the first dirt lane
past the north side
of town
you'll see the bees
the hives I mean
rows of them
got forty four now
The car... well no
its a truck
'68 Dodge painted green and
not a scratch
as good as the day I bought her
well not so green now
sun's hot out Tarcutta way
and well...
there is a ding not too big
about the size
of my fist here
well... maybe my arm or leg
but its just the one
got it that day
after the pub  celebrating
buying a new hive
turns out the bees were still in it
must have liked the box of plums
I bought from Thompson's
(the wife's jam making you see)
on the front seat
whole swarm of them
flew in the window
well what can a man do
when he's stung
straight into that big gum
you know the one
corner of the turn-off
to Jugiong
you want to see it...
here on my neck they were
and on my back
oh...you mean the truck
'68 Dodge's just about the best
don't have it with me though
got a ride with Cory
then walked the rest
its a long way
well... I don't have a license
do I
you'll believe me?
sure   'No Damage"  I'll sign
what's all this other stuff...
I'm a pretty slow reader but
if I sit down and
think it through
I can do it soon enough
take your time I say
helps to use a ruler
Yeah... $2000 I reckon
its worth
the DUI will be up in October
no  Wrigley was sick  it was a state
cop last month
got me
coming back from Kingy's
full  but not that full
bad luck
but I'll be wanting to take the bees down
Bateman's Bay
the tea-trees will be
middle of
flowering then

The Beekeeper Takes Out Insurance

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère