Poetry International Poetry International

Hsia Yü (Xia Yu)

More and More People Wanting to Get Involved

Variation One

A person picks up house and moves and the space they leave behind
Becomes occupied by someone else
Leaving behind a space that creates in turn
A pretext for yet another to pick up house from which we can analogize so many
If you no longer love him then someone else no longer loves you
So many fuckable
So many unfuckable
According to Goethe everything contains within itself every other thing
The relationship between all things and all things
Resonating in the dialectic of sympathy and opposition
Coupling destruction and rebirth
Each and every one of us and each and every thing
Is once more renewed and we find ourselves
Growing eager again

Variation Two

When you do not love none of this is the least important
So much so its unimportance is hardly worth describing
A city you are simply passing through
As the train pulls into the station and some people get on
And others get off and the person sitting next to me
Keeps his seat and as the train begins to move he comes to realize
His unimportance is something I’ve bestowed
But by and by we will no longer recall this and even if we do it’s not likely
To find a ready place within the total significance and even disavowing it
Is hardly worth the trouble so
If at some time and place our paths have crossed what of it
That we will only make the we to come
All the less important we are
Simply unimportant

Variation Three

A person picks up house and moves and the space they leave behind
When you do not love none of this is the least important
Becomes occupied by someone else
So much so its unimportance is hardly worth describing
Leaving behind a space that creates in turn
A city you are simply passing through
A pretext for yet another to pick up house from which we can analogize so many
As the train pulls into the station and some people get on
If you no longer love him then someone else no longer loves you
And others get off and the person sitting next to me
So many fuckable
Keeps his seat and as the train begins to move he comes to realize
So many unfuckable
His unimportance is something I’ve bestowed
According to Goethe everything contains within itself every other thing
But by and by we will no longer recall this and even if we do it’s not likely
The relationship between all things and all things
To find a ready place within the total significance and even disavowing it
Resonating in the dialectic of sympathy and opposition
Is hardly worth the trouble so
Coupling destruction and rebirth
If at some time and place our paths have crossed what of it
Each and every one of us and each and every thing
That we will only make the we to come
Is once more renewed and we find ourselves
All the less important we are
Growing eager again
Simply unimportant


Hsia Yü (Xia Yu)

Hsia Yü (Xia Yu)

(Taiwan, 1956)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit China

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More and More People Wanting to Get Involved

Variation One

A person picks up house and moves and the space they leave behind
Becomes occupied by someone else
Leaving behind a space that creates in turn
A pretext for yet another to pick up house from which we can analogize so many
If you no longer love him then someone else no longer loves you
So many fuckable
So many unfuckable
According to Goethe everything contains within itself every other thing
The relationship between all things and all things
Resonating in the dialectic of sympathy and opposition
Coupling destruction and rebirth
Each and every one of us and each and every thing
Is once more renewed and we find ourselves
Growing eager again

Variation Two

When you do not love none of this is the least important
So much so its unimportance is hardly worth describing
A city you are simply passing through
As the train pulls into the station and some people get on
And others get off and the person sitting next to me
Keeps his seat and as the train begins to move he comes to realize
His unimportance is something I’ve bestowed
But by and by we will no longer recall this and even if we do it’s not likely
To find a ready place within the total significance and even disavowing it
Is hardly worth the trouble so
If at some time and place our paths have crossed what of it
That we will only make the we to come
All the less important we are
Simply unimportant

Variation Three

A person picks up house and moves and the space they leave behind
When you do not love none of this is the least important
Becomes occupied by someone else
So much so its unimportance is hardly worth describing
Leaving behind a space that creates in turn
A city you are simply passing through
A pretext for yet another to pick up house from which we can analogize so many
As the train pulls into the station and some people get on
If you no longer love him then someone else no longer loves you
And others get off and the person sitting next to me
So many fuckable
Keeps his seat and as the train begins to move he comes to realize
So many unfuckable
His unimportance is something I’ve bestowed
According to Goethe everything contains within itself every other thing
But by and by we will no longer recall this and even if we do it’s not likely
The relationship between all things and all things
To find a ready place within the total significance and even disavowing it
Resonating in the dialectic of sympathy and opposition
Is hardly worth the trouble so
Coupling destruction and rebirth
If at some time and place our paths have crossed what of it
Each and every one of us and each and every thing
That we will only make the we to come
Is once more renewed and we find ourselves
All the less important we are
Growing eager again
Simply unimportant
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