Poetry International Poetry International

Oksana Zabuzhko

Oksana  Zabuzhko

Oksana Zabuzhko

(Ukraine, 1960)
Oksana Zabuzhko was born in 1960 and lives in Kyiv. She is a graduate of the Department of Philosophy of Kyiv Shevchenko University (1982). After having completed her post-graduate studies there, she obtained her PhD in Philosophy of Arts in 1987. Since then she has been working as an Associate Scholar for the Institute of Philosophy of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv.
Zabuzhko was a Fulbright Fellow in the United States in 1994 (at Harvard University and the University of Pittsburgh), and taught Ukrainian culture and literature as a Writer-in-Residence at Penn State University in 1992. She also writes for journals and magazines on various literary issues, and has worked as a columnist for one of the country’s major weeklies. She is Vice-President of the Ukrainian PEN-center, and Distinguished Creative Writing Professor at Kiev Shevchenko University.

Zabuzhko’s works have been widely translated in Central and Eastern Europe, and have won her many literary awards. Among her international writer’s honors are the 1997 Global Commitment Foundation Poetry Prize, fellowships from the Rockefeller Foundation (1998), from the Cultural Department of the City of Munich (1999), and others. English translations of her poems were staged by New York Yara Arts Group in Cambridge, MA (1998). Carnegie Hall, New York, hosted mono-opera by V. Baley, based on Zabuzhko’s Clytemnestra (1999).
© Kateryna Botanova
In Ukrainian:
Travnevyj Inij (May Hoarfrost), poems, 1985.
Dyrygent Ostannyoji Svichky (The Conductor of the Last Candle), poems, 1990.
Avtostop (Hitchhiking), poems, 1994.
Polyovi Doslidzhennia z Ukrajins’koho Seksu (Field Work in Ukrainian Sex), novel, 1996.
Shevchenkiv Mif Ukrajiny: Sproba Filosofs’koho Analizu (Shevchenko’s Myth of Ukraine: Toward a Philosophical Verification), criticism, 1997.
Khroniky vid Fortinbrasa (Chronicles of Fortinbras: the Selected Essays of the 1990s), essays, 1999.
Novyj Zakon Arkhimeda. Vybrani Virshi 1980-1998 (New Archimedes’ Rule. Selected Poems 1980-1998), poems, 2000.
Kazka pro Kalynovu Sopilku (The Reedpipe Tale), novella, 2000.
Reportazh z 2000-ho Roku (News Report from the Year 2000), essays, 2001.
Sestro, Sestro (Sister, Sister), prose, 2003.

In translation:
A Kingdom of Fallen Statues. Poems and Essays. 1996 (English).
Field Work in Ukrainian Sex, novel, 1999 (Hungarian), 2001 (Czech), 2001 (Russian), 2002 (Polish), English – coming.

Personal page of Oksana Zabuzhko
In Ukrainian and English

A conversation with Oksana Zabuzhko in Agni #53

Poetry by Oksana Zabuzhko in Prometeo #62-63, 2002
In Spanish
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