Iva Damjanovski

Iva Damjanovski
“The cracks on the asphalt are lines I write verses on
and hope that I still haven’t written my last love poem.”
- from: A poem I still won’t write
Iva Damjanovski is a Macedonian poet and musician.
Her poetry is written with surgical precision. Every sound and every silence are well-calculated, giving every meticulously chosen word a dense richness of meaning. In Damjanovski’s poems one can sense anger at and disappointment in the world and its injustices, as well as a certain helplessness in regard to bringing about change. Nonetheless, she strives to withstand the chaos with subtle humor, sour-sweet irony and a discreet smile.
Having graduated from the Piano Performance program at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Damjanovski continues to study at the Musicology Program of the Free University of Bolzano. As a musician she has appeared on international stages, among which are several festivals in Italy and the Macedonian Philharmonic concert program. She performs as a solo pianist and thereminist, and is also part of the experimental duo Alembic. Additionally, she composes music for film and theater.
She has written three poetry books. Her first book Тие (2017) won the Igor Isakovski Award for best debut poetry book by a young author. She was awarded the prestigious Brothers Miladinovci Award for her second poetry book Двоумење (2020). Her poetry has been translated into many languages, some of which are English, Serbian, Irish and Bengali.
2022 Published the third multilingual poetry book “Triage” and an anthology edition of a selection of all previous books “We Begin”, Templum Publishing
2020 Poetry book “Двоумење”, published by PNV Publications, winner of the prestigious award “Brakja Miladinovci” for best poetry book of 2020 at the Struga Poetry Evenings
2019 Second and amended edition of “Тие”, published by PNV Publications
2017 Winner of the “Игор Исаковски” award for best-unpublished poetry book and publishing of the winning manuscript titled “Тие” by “Blesok”
Research Papers
2016 “The Stage Work of the Future: The Contemporary Performance Phenomenon in Music and Drama Art, Its Development and Communication with the Audience”, published in the 4th edition of the science journal “Ars Academica” and presented at the Festival “Skomrahi”, by the faculty of Music and Dramatic Arts, University of Cyril and Methodius, Skopje
2017 "ELEORP 76: MUSICA NOVA MACEDONICA: Macedonian Electroacoustic Music, its development and characteristics" published in the selection of papers for the 42nd edition of the Struga Musical Autumn conference by SOKOM