Natalie Shapero

Natalie Shapero
Natalie Shapero is the author of two collections of poetry, Hard Child (2017) and No Object (2013). Publisher’s Weekly noted that “Shapero’s humor generally derives from dark places, as in her tendency toward self-deprecation.”
busy, so distraught they forget to kill me,
and even that won’t keep me alive.
– from ‘Not Horses’
In an interview on the Saturnalia Books blog, Shapero stated that even though the voice of No Object is, “a relatively interior one, I wanted the book to be outward-looking in its execution.” Shapero’s work skillfully manages both, resulting in poems that rarely end where readers might expect.
Shapero was born in Pennsylvania and earned a BA in Writing Seminars from the Johns Hopkins University, an MFA in Poetry from the Ohio State University, and a JD from the University of Chicago. She is an editor at the Kenyon Review and has received the Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship from the Poetry Foundation. Shapero teaches at Tufts University.
Hard Child, Copper Canyon Press, Port Townsend, 2017
No Object, Saturnalia Books, Adrmore, Pennsylvania, 2013
Poetry magazine July/August 2012 podcast discussing ‘Your Other Heart’ by Natalie Shapero
‘Your Other Heart’ read by Natalie Shapero
Review of Hard Child at Publisher’s Weekly
Interview at the Saturnalia Books Blog