Poetry International Poetry International

Juan Cristóbal Romero

Juan Cristóbal Romero

Juan Cristóbal Romero

(Chile, 1974)
Juan Cristóbal Romero has published four full-length books of poetry: Marulla (2003), Rodas (2008), Oc (2012) and Polimnia (2014). His work has received the Municipal Prize in Poetry (2009), the Literary Critic Circle Award (2009), the Chilean Academy Award (2013) and the Pablo Neruda Prize (2014).
Romero is also the editor of El viejo laurel (2004), the collected poetry of Armando Uribe; and of the anthology The Chilean sonnet (2013). He has translated from Latin Horace’s Epistles II (2006) and Ars Poetica (2011). Romero studied civil engineering at the Catholic University of Chile and received a Masters in Public Administration at Harvard University. He currently teaches the course ‘Introduction to poetry’ at the Diego Portales University.

The poet Pedro Lastra, member of the jury of the Pablo Neruda Prize, said in 2014 that Romero’s writing ‘fuses the traditional and the modern in an exceptional way’, adding that ‘marked by a dazzling rigor, [it] is an exemplary lesson for the young writers of our country’. In 2008, the poet Claudio Bertoni dedicated these verses to Romero: ‘Juan Cristóbal Romero/ Rodas/ perfection that scares’.
© Julio Carrasco (Translated by Erin Goodman)

Marulla. Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, 2003
Rodas. Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, 2008
XXXIII poemas. Editorial Pfeiffer, Santiago, 2010
Oc. Editorial Pfeiffer Santiago, 2012
Polimnia. Ediciones Universidad de Valparaiso Valparaíso, 2014

As editor
El viejo laurel. By Armando Uribe, winner of the Premio Nacional de Literatura. Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, 2004
El soneto chileno. Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, 2013

Horace, Libro segundo de las cartas, Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, 2006
Horace, Arte Poética, Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, 2011

Video of Romero reading Rodas
Various articles and interviews on letras.s5.com

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère