Poetry International Poetry International

Serge Delaive

Serge Delaive

Serge Delaive

(Belgium, 1965)
Serge Delaive is a poet, novelist and photographer. Born in Liège, as the son of a doctor and a historian, Delaive studied literature and journalism at the University of  Liège. In 1998, he co-founded and edited the magazine Le Fram – which became a press in 2000 – with the poets Karel Logist, Carl Norac and Carino Bucciarelli, with the desire ‘to live with openness, adventure and discovery’. He also has worked as a teacher, a sailing instructor and a logistician for Doctors Without Borders. His photographs have been exhibited on a number of occasions, such as in Liège, Paris and Amay.   
According to Hélène Marchandise, who wrote on Delaive for the festival Étonnants voyageurs: 
The work of Serge Delaive oscillates between poetry and novelistic fiction and is traversed by recurring characters. It is permeated with voyages, the suicide of his father, questions on time and the quotidian, and it never ceases to interrogate identity through an original writing, rendered without ornament, sometimes harsh and bitter.

Delaive is the recipient of several prizes, including the Rossel Prize (for Argentine), the Triennal Prize of Poetry (for Art farouche), the Marcel Thiry Prize (for Les jours) and the Indications Prize (for Café Europa).
© Poetry International


Par l'oeil blessé. L'Arbre à paroles, Amay, 1997
Revolver. Editions de l'Acanthe, Namur/Bruxelles, 1999
Le livre canoë. La Différence, Paris, 2001 
Les jours. La Différence, Paris, 2006 
Une langue étrangère. L’Arbre à paroles, Amay, 2008
Art farouche. La Différence, Paris, 2011
Meuse fleuve nord. Tétras Lyre, Brussels, 2014
La Trilogie Lunus. L’Arbre à paroles, Amay, 2015

Argentine. La Différence, Paris, 2010
L’homme sans mémoire. La Différence, Paris, 2008
Café Europa. La Différence, Paris, 2004 

Carnet de Corée. La Différence, Paris, 2012
Pourquoi je ne serai pas français. Maelström, coll. Bookleg N°79, Bruxelles, 2011
Herstal. Texts and photographs. Musée de Herstal, Herstal, 2011
Paul Gauguin, étrange attraction. L’Escampette,Chauvigny, 2010

Delaive’s website
Video of Jeanne Flora’s interpretation of a text by Delaive, accompanied by François Mauget, Yasmin Bau and l'étroit trio

The poetry translations and recordings here are sponsored by  SonaLitté and  Le service de la promotion des Lettres de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère