Poetry International Poetry International

Krešimir Bagić

Gaston D.

You’ll not find anyone, between Toulouse and Aix,
who’s more of a legend than Gaston D.
A nice guy with a ’tache from the east-side seats,
a gap-tooth bantam reeking of Gitanes
(like his Mary-Laurence would say)
revving up for OM forty years.

In 1958 his first time at the Vélodrome,
Gastom D. and saw Gunnar Andersson\'s farewell goal, number 169.
“Here I am and here I’ll stay,”
Gaston thought, and yelled “Allez OM!”
In 1971 Gaston D. woke up the whole stand:
“Somebody call the police!
Magnusson’s thrown the ball to Skoblar!”
Next thing, a quick jerk of the head
and the crowd went wild.

1991. Over a pastis and a game of boules
Gaston D. came up with a Provencal proverb.
“Chris Waddle is the living proof that football
was born in England but grew up in Marseille.”

1998. Gaston D. scrutinised the mirror,
smirked, picked up a scrap of paper and wrote:
Deasailly Boli         Blanc Mozer
        Cezar                 Deschamps
    Skoblar     JPP         Bokšić

You’ll not find anyone, between Toulouse and Aix,
who’s more of a legend than Gaston D.
A nice guy with a ’tache from the seats on the east,
a gaptooth bantam reeking of Gitanes
(like his Mary-Laurence would say)
revving up for OM forty years.

People crowd about him as though he were a prophet.
They say Hidalgo, Beckenbauer and Courbis
asked his advice. And he told them all:
“What I say only counts in the stands.
Get back on the pitch and try to hear from there.”

Gaston D.

Gaston D.

O Toulousea do Aix-en-Provincea
nema veće legende od Gastona D.
Ta brkata dobričina s istočnog sjedenja,
krezubi pjetlić koji vonja na \'Gitanes\'
(kako bi rekla njegova Mary-Laurence),
četrdeset godina oštri zube za OM.

1958. Gaston D. je prvi put došao na Vélodrome
i vidio oproštajni 169. gol Gunnara Anderssona.
"Ovo je mjesto na kojemu ću odsad rasti",
pomislio je Gaston pa poviknuo: "Allez OM!"
1971. Gaston D. je probudio čitavu tribinu:
"Gospodo, zovite policiju!
Magnusson nabacuje loptu prema Skoblaru!"
Trenutak poslije učinio je nagli trzaj glavom
i stadion je eksplodirao.

1991. Gaston D. je, uz balote i pastis,
kreirao jednu od provansalskih poslovica:
"Chris Waddle je živi dokaz da se nogomet
rodio u Engleskoj a razvio u Marseilleu."

1998. Gaston D. se pažljivo pogledao u zrcalo,
zadovoljno si namignuo, uzeo papirić i zapisao:
Desailly     Boli     Blanc     Mozer
        Cezar                         Deschamps
    Skoblar         JPP             Bokšić

Od Toulousea do Aix-en-Provincea
nema veće legende od Gastona D.
Ta brkata dobričina s istočnog sjedenja,
krezubi pjetlić koji vonja na \'Gitanes\'
(kako bi rekla njegova Mary-Laurence),
četrdeset godina oštri zube za OM.

Ljudi se oko njega tiskaju kao oko proroka.
Priča se da su ga za savjet tražili Hidalgo,
Beckenbauer i Courbis. I da je svima uzvratio:
"Moje riječi vrijede samo na tribinama.
Vratite se na travnjak i pokušajte ih odande čuti."

Gaston D.

You’ll not find anyone, between Toulouse and Aix,
who’s more of a legend than Gaston D.
A nice guy with a ’tache from the east-side seats,
a gap-tooth bantam reeking of Gitanes
(like his Mary-Laurence would say)
revving up for OM forty years.

In 1958 his first time at the Vélodrome,
Gastom D. and saw Gunnar Andersson\'s farewell goal, number 169.
“Here I am and here I’ll stay,”
Gaston thought, and yelled “Allez OM!”
In 1971 Gaston D. woke up the whole stand:
“Somebody call the police!
Magnusson’s thrown the ball to Skoblar!”
Next thing, a quick jerk of the head
and the crowd went wild.

1991. Over a pastis and a game of boules
Gaston D. came up with a Provencal proverb.
“Chris Waddle is the living proof that football
was born in England but grew up in Marseille.”

1998. Gaston D. scrutinised the mirror,
smirked, picked up a scrap of paper and wrote:
Deasailly Boli         Blanc Mozer
        Cezar                 Deschamps
    Skoblar     JPP         Bokšić

You’ll not find anyone, between Toulouse and Aix,
who’s more of a legend than Gaston D.
A nice guy with a ’tache from the seats on the east,
a gaptooth bantam reeking of Gitanes
(like his Mary-Laurence would say)
revving up for OM forty years.

People crowd about him as though he were a prophet.
They say Hidalgo, Beckenbauer and Courbis
asked his advice. And he told them all:
“What I say only counts in the stands.
Get back on the pitch and try to hear from there.”

Gaston D.

You’ll not find anyone, between Toulouse and Aix,
who’s more of a legend than Gaston D.
A nice guy with a ’tache from the east-side seats,
a gap-tooth bantam reeking of Gitanes
(like his Mary-Laurence would say)
revving up for OM forty years.

In 1958 his first time at the Vélodrome,
Gastom D. and saw Gunnar Andersson\'s farewell goal, number 169.
“Here I am and here I’ll stay,”
Gaston thought, and yelled “Allez OM!”
In 1971 Gaston D. woke up the whole stand:
“Somebody call the police!
Magnusson’s thrown the ball to Skoblar!”
Next thing, a quick jerk of the head
and the crowd went wild.

1991. Over a pastis and a game of boules
Gaston D. came up with a Provencal proverb.
“Chris Waddle is the living proof that football
was born in England but grew up in Marseille.”

1998. Gaston D. scrutinised the mirror,
smirked, picked up a scrap of paper and wrote:
Deasailly Boli         Blanc Mozer
        Cezar                 Deschamps
    Skoblar     JPP         Bokšić

You’ll not find anyone, between Toulouse and Aix,
who’s more of a legend than Gaston D.
A nice guy with a ’tache from the seats on the east,
a gaptooth bantam reeking of Gitanes
(like his Mary-Laurence would say)
revving up for OM forty years.

People crowd about him as though he were a prophet.
They say Hidalgo, Beckenbauer and Courbis
asked his advice. And he told them all:
“What I say only counts in the stands.
Get back on the pitch and try to hear from there.”
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère