Poetry International Poetry International

José Tolentino Mendonça


Nothing in the world is closer
but those to whom we deny our words
love, certain infirmities, the purest presence
hear what the woman dressed in sunlight says
when she walks on top of the trees
“how far away from common speech did you leave
your heart?”

the desperate height of the blueness
in your teenage photo hundreds of years ago
the disappearance of lilies from the public garden
the sea of this bay in ruins or if you prefer
the supermarket bags expanding in the drawer
the conversations from our school days
still recited in the family
the fatigue of Sunday’s run through the woods
the dry-cleaning stubs with a “don’t forget” attached
the terror we have
of certain chance meetings
because we’ve stopped knowing basic things
about others
their very names

hear what the woman dressed in sunlight says
when she walks on top of the trees
“how far away from common speech did you leave
your heart?”



Nada do mundo mais próximo
mas aqueles a quem negamos a palavra
o amor, certas enfermidades, a presença mais pura
ouve o que diz a mulher vestida de sol
quando caminha no cimo das árvores
«a que distância da língua comum deixaste
o teu coração?»

a altura desesperada do azul
no teu retrato de adolescente há centenas de anos
a extinção dos lírios no jardim municipal
o mar desta baía em ruínas ou se quiseres
os sacos do supermercado que se expandem nas gavetas
as conversas ainda surpreendentemente escolares
soletradas em família
a fadiga da corrida domingueira pela mata
as senhas da lavandaria com um «não esquecer» fixado
o terror que temos
de certos encontros de acaso
porque deixamos de saber dos outros
coisas tão elementares
o próprio nome

ouve o que diz a mulher vestida de sol
quando caminha no cimo das árvores
«a que distância deixaste
o coração?»


Nothing in the world is closer
but those to whom we deny our words
love, certain infirmities, the purest presence
hear what the woman dressed in sunlight says
when she walks on top of the trees
“how far away from common speech did you leave
your heart?”

the desperate height of the blueness
in your teenage photo hundreds of years ago
the disappearance of lilies from the public garden
the sea of this bay in ruins or if you prefer
the supermarket bags expanding in the drawer
the conversations from our school days
still recited in the family
the fatigue of Sunday’s run through the woods
the dry-cleaning stubs with a “don’t forget” attached
the terror we have
of certain chance meetings
because we’ve stopped knowing basic things
about others
their very names

hear what the woman dressed in sunlight says
when she walks on top of the trees
“how far away from common speech did you leave
your heart?”


Nothing in the world is closer
but those to whom we deny our words
love, certain infirmities, the purest presence
hear what the woman dressed in sunlight says
when she walks on top of the trees
“how far away from common speech did you leave
your heart?”

the desperate height of the blueness
in your teenage photo hundreds of years ago
the disappearance of lilies from the public garden
the sea of this bay in ruins or if you prefer
the supermarket bags expanding in the drawer
the conversations from our school days
still recited in the family
the fatigue of Sunday’s run through the woods
the dry-cleaning stubs with a “don’t forget” attached
the terror we have
of certain chance meetings
because we’ve stopped knowing basic things
about others
their very names

hear what the woman dressed in sunlight says
when she walks on top of the trees
“how far away from common speech did you leave
your heart?”
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère