Poetry International Poetry International

Kristina Rungano

I Pledge Thee Surrender

I Pledge Thee Surrender

I Pledge Thee Surrender

Woe is that building my love
For there it was I learnt war
When overcome by that cold curiosity
I heard a sound and peered thro’ windows
To almost collect a flying bullet.

Around me people scuttled
And buried their heads in upholstery,
I remember the face of a frightened man, my uncle
He shook and trembled
His face was masked by moist sweat
Whilst breath came in loud short gasps
Thro’ gaping mouth
And condensed on a wet lip
The other was dry and white
His nostrils had flared out
As tho’ overcome by mirth
And his laughter been subdued by a grimace
I thought how like a ghost he looked –
And now he is dead.

I remember the screams of despair
How strange they sounded, yet so familiar
I saw men dashing about,
Children being shot like dogs,
And women running hither and thither;
Straight skirts and high heels forgotten.
Some fell
Some were caught trying to save a child
Till finally one man like a raving lunatic
Jumped forth, grabbed the assassin and pinned him down
For crowds to kick, beat and batter
I recall my confused emotions
Anger replaced by pity
And killer changing from murderer to brother
And the relief when they dispersed the vengeful rabble

I almost died in that building
And today they told me
How five were blown to bits in there.

I Pledge Thee Surrender

Woe is that building my love
For there it was I learnt war
When overcome by that cold curiosity
I heard a sound and peered thro’ windows
To almost collect a flying bullet.

Around me people scuttled
And buried their heads in upholstery,
I remember the face of a frightened man, my uncle
He shook and trembled
His face was masked by moist sweat
Whilst breath came in loud short gasps
Thro’ gaping mouth
And condensed on a wet lip
The other was dry and white
His nostrils had flared out
As tho’ overcome by mirth
And his laughter been subdued by a grimace
I thought how like a ghost he looked –
And now he is dead.

I remember the screams of despair
How strange they sounded, yet so familiar
I saw men dashing about,
Children being shot like dogs,
And women running hither and thither;
Straight skirts and high heels forgotten.
Some fell
Some were caught trying to save a child
Till finally one man like a raving lunatic
Jumped forth, grabbed the assassin and pinned him down
For crowds to kick, beat and batter
I recall my confused emotions
Anger replaced by pity
And killer changing from murderer to brother
And the relief when they dispersed the vengeful rabble

I almost died in that building
And today they told me
How five were blown to bits in there.

I Pledge Thee Surrender

Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère