Poetry International Poetry International

Uroš Zupan


Bathed in red light,
seated at a table,
alone, an unknown woman gets ready
to light a cigarette.

She opens the cigarette box,
with a habitual gesture
she takes out a cigarette and
puts it in her mouth.

With her left hand she
brushes a wisp of hair away from her face,
with her right she takes a lighter,
flicks it open with her thumb
and turns the flint wheel.

Out leaps the flame
into her eyes,
onto her hair,
with the cigarette she nears it slowly,
and sensually,
in a timeless pause
in her invisible ageing,

the first draw.



V rdeci svetlobi,
sedeca za mizo
sama, se neznanka pripravlja,
da si bo prizgala cigareto.

Odpre tobacnico,
z vajenim gibom vzame
iz nje cigareto,
si jo vtakne v usta.

Z levo roki si
umakne lase z obraza,
z desnico vzame vzigalnik,
ga s palcem odpre
in zavrti kolešcek.

Iz vzigalnika skoci plamen
v njene oci,
na njene lase,
s cigareto se mu pocasi pribliza
in pozeljivo,
v nekem brezcasnem predahu
med svojim neopaznim staranjem

potegne v pljuca
prvi dim.


Bathed in red light,
seated at a table,
alone, an unknown woman gets ready
to light a cigarette.

She opens the cigarette box,
with a habitual gesture
she takes out a cigarette and
puts it in her mouth.

With her left hand she
brushes a wisp of hair away from her face,
with her right she takes a lighter,
flicks it open with her thumb
and turns the flint wheel.

Out leaps the flame
into her eyes,
onto her hair,
with the cigarette she nears it slowly,
and sensually,
in a timeless pause
in her invisible ageing,

the first draw.


Bathed in red light,
seated at a table,
alone, an unknown woman gets ready
to light a cigarette.

She opens the cigarette box,
with a habitual gesture
she takes out a cigarette and
puts it in her mouth.

With her left hand she
brushes a wisp of hair away from her face,
with her right she takes a lighter,
flicks it open with her thumb
and turns the flint wheel.

Out leaps the flame
into her eyes,
onto her hair,
with the cigarette she nears it slowly,
and sensually,
in a timeless pause
in her invisible ageing,

the first draw.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère