Poetry International Poetry International

Tomaž Šalamun


By the way of all spheres,
on steep rocks overgrown with segments of color,
covered with chalk that children have broken,
we watch fragments
that keep rising,
compressed as if under the weight of water,
their slow takeoff: a signpost,
white curtains raised.

There is no hardship in breathing
precisely here, in this circle,
no hardship in breathing,
and also onward, ahead, it seems
as if balance is built in, unbreakable;
each time widening caves,
widening and narrowing,
like the activity of an unknown (unimaginable)
respiratory system, magnified under a microscope.

Invalid are nostalgia, night, melancholy,
laughter falling as snow,
everything parallel, everything there that can be
reached from here, all “the way” in between.

We are watching the reactions to this condition,
slowly, step by step, the outer leaves of the artichoke
float away.
We can imprint optional memories of notions.

There was a circle.
There was one just because we could not
use it.

Whatever the notion, they are all concentrically
disposed, far and near.
A freckle that was once an elevator
is a priori a ray, secured by intangibility.
Initiation is incredibly slow work,
similar to the turning of summer, winter, and stars.

Is this about how we have eaten?
Did we make a meal each time?

Enough so that in the process a tiny crack is left
and everything regenerates incredibly fast, and therefore now is.

You who keep a diary of growth and victims,
Maybe many of them can read it,
light falls around,
only here of course nothing falls, it gets out.
The center, the source of energy watched by us
during this procedure, is empty. The cosmos makes the locus vanish,
eats it up. Energy, not consciousness, jumps across, (is)
in the negative. Therefore everything is in something,
what roughly, because of a notion, can be described
as a grain of sand, all space the remainder,
like dust after sawing wood.

On one cubic micron there are endless
galaxies, and each this enormous
space, nights, moons, suns, with constellations
that confound us, compressing our membrane.
The intergalactic and, of course, these
‘injected’ communications, too, are only oppression.

Along this window, in this window
there are innumerable other civilizations,
innumerable other cosmological systems.
Thus suffering does not matter,
layers do.
This is what I show here.



Na poti vseh krogel,
na strmih skalah poraščenih s segmenti barv,
porisanih s kredo, ki so jo lomili
otroci, gledamo drobce,
ki se dvigajo,
stisnjeni kot pod pritiskom vode,
njihov počasen vzlet: markacijo,
dvignjene bele zavese.

Ni težav z dihanjem,
prav tu, v tem krogu,
ni težav z dihanjem
in tudi naprej, spredaj, se zdi,
kot da je ravnotežje vgrajeno, nezlomljivo;
sproti razširja votline,
razširja in zožuje,
kot pod mikroskopom povečano delovanje
neznanega (predstavljivega) respiratornega sistema.

Neveljavni so nostalgija, noč, melanholija,
smeh, ki pada kot sneg,
vse vzporedno, vse tam, ki ga lahko
dosežemo od tukaj, vsa ‘pot’ vmes.

Gledamo reakcije na to stanje,
počasi, postopoma, zunanji listi artičoke
počasi odplavajo.
Odtiskujemo lahko poljubne spomine predstav.

Bil je ris.
Bil je ravno zato, ker ga nismo mogli

Katerakoli predstava, vse so koncentrično
razporejene blizu, daleč.
Pega, ki je bil lift, žarek,
je a priori zavarovana z nedotakljivostjo.
Iniciacija je neverjetno počasno delo,
najbolj podobno vrtenju poletja, zime in zvezd.

Je to, kako smo jedli?
Smo si sproti pripravljali hrano?

Dovolj, da ostane v procesu majhna razpoka
in vse se neverjetno hitro regenerira, zdaj je.

Kdor vodiš dnevnik rasti in žrtev,
Morda ga lahko mnogi berejo,
ker luč pada okrog,
le sem seveda nič ne pada, navzven gre.
Center, vir energije, ki jo opazujemo v tem
procesu je prazen. Vesolje locus ‘zgine’, pojé ga.
Energija, ne zavest, preskoči, (je) v negativu.
Torej je vse  v nečem, kar grobo, zaradi
predstave, lahko imenujemo zrno peska
in je ves prostor samo ostanek,
kot žaganje pri žaganju drv.

Na enem kubičnem mikromilimetru
je neskončno galaksij in vsaka s tem ogromnim
prostorom, z lučmi, lunami, sonci, z ozvezdji,
ki so nas begala in nam stiskala opno.
Intergalaktične, in seveda tudi te,
‘vbrizgane’ komunikacije, so samo pritisk.

Ob tem oknu, v tem oknu
je še nešteto drugih civilizacij,
nešteto drugih kozmoloških sistemov.
Torej ne gre za trpljenje,
ampak za plasti.
To tu kažem.


By the way of all spheres,
on steep rocks overgrown with segments of color,
covered with chalk that children have broken,
we watch fragments
that keep rising,
compressed as if under the weight of water,
their slow takeoff: a signpost,
white curtains raised.

There is no hardship in breathing
precisely here, in this circle,
no hardship in breathing,
and also onward, ahead, it seems
as if balance is built in, unbreakable;
each time widening caves,
widening and narrowing,
like the activity of an unknown (unimaginable)
respiratory system, magnified under a microscope.

Invalid are nostalgia, night, melancholy,
laughter falling as snow,
everything parallel, everything there that can be
reached from here, all “the way” in between.

We are watching the reactions to this condition,
slowly, step by step, the outer leaves of the artichoke
float away.
We can imprint optional memories of notions.

There was a circle.
There was one just because we could not
use it.

Whatever the notion, they are all concentrically
disposed, far and near.
A freckle that was once an elevator
is a priori a ray, secured by intangibility.
Initiation is incredibly slow work,
similar to the turning of summer, winter, and stars.

Is this about how we have eaten?
Did we make a meal each time?

Enough so that in the process a tiny crack is left
and everything regenerates incredibly fast, and therefore now is.

You who keep a diary of growth and victims,
Maybe many of them can read it,
light falls around,
only here of course nothing falls, it gets out.
The center, the source of energy watched by us
during this procedure, is empty. The cosmos makes the locus vanish,
eats it up. Energy, not consciousness, jumps across, (is)
in the negative. Therefore everything is in something,
what roughly, because of a notion, can be described
as a grain of sand, all space the remainder,
like dust after sawing wood.

On one cubic micron there are endless
galaxies, and each this enormous
space, nights, moons, suns, with constellations
that confound us, compressing our membrane.
The intergalactic and, of course, these
‘injected’ communications, too, are only oppression.

Along this window, in this window
there are innumerable other civilizations,
innumerable other cosmological systems.
Thus suffering does not matter,
layers do.
This is what I show here.


By the way of all spheres,
on steep rocks overgrown with segments of color,
covered with chalk that children have broken,
we watch fragments
that keep rising,
compressed as if under the weight of water,
their slow takeoff: a signpost,
white curtains raised.

There is no hardship in breathing
precisely here, in this circle,
no hardship in breathing,
and also onward, ahead, it seems
as if balance is built in, unbreakable;
each time widening caves,
widening and narrowing,
like the activity of an unknown (unimaginable)
respiratory system, magnified under a microscope.

Invalid are nostalgia, night, melancholy,
laughter falling as snow,
everything parallel, everything there that can be
reached from here, all “the way” in between.

We are watching the reactions to this condition,
slowly, step by step, the outer leaves of the artichoke
float away.
We can imprint optional memories of notions.

There was a circle.
There was one just because we could not
use it.

Whatever the notion, they are all concentrically
disposed, far and near.
A freckle that was once an elevator
is a priori a ray, secured by intangibility.
Initiation is incredibly slow work,
similar to the turning of summer, winter, and stars.

Is this about how we have eaten?
Did we make a meal each time?

Enough so that in the process a tiny crack is left
and everything regenerates incredibly fast, and therefore now is.

You who keep a diary of growth and victims,
Maybe many of them can read it,
light falls around,
only here of course nothing falls, it gets out.
The center, the source of energy watched by us
during this procedure, is empty. The cosmos makes the locus vanish,
eats it up. Energy, not consciousness, jumps across, (is)
in the negative. Therefore everything is in something,
what roughly, because of a notion, can be described
as a grain of sand, all space the remainder,
like dust after sawing wood.

On one cubic micron there are endless
galaxies, and each this enormous
space, nights, moons, suns, with constellations
that confound us, compressing our membrane.
The intergalactic and, of course, these
‘injected’ communications, too, are only oppression.

Along this window, in this window
there are innumerable other civilizations,
innumerable other cosmological systems.
Thus suffering does not matter,
layers do.
This is what I show here.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère