Poetry International Poetry International

Meta Kušar


Ljubljana has ships, and a sea,
which is dressed as a river
so that it can heal our wounds.
Word-thieves want people to pick at ink.
Not poets who make a rainbow.
Robbed of pellets of condensed amber,
they can neither pray nor prophesy.
But see how at night space diminishes,
slides and falls. And keeps falling.
Who knows why in the morning necklaces are
so lucid ? Paper more white ?



Mesto ima ladje in morje,
ki se preoblači v reko,
da zaceli naše rane.
Roparji hočejo, da ljudje kljuvajo črnilo,
ne pesniki, ki delajo mavrico.
Njim jemljejo kroglice nabitega jantarja,
da ne bi molili in prerokovali.
Vidijo, kako gre ponoči prostor dol
in pada. Pada kar naprej.
Kdo ve, zakaj je zjutraj ogrlica še bolj žareča?
Papir še bolj bel?


Ljubljana has ships, and a sea,
which is dressed as a river
so that it can heal our wounds.
Word-thieves want people to pick at ink.
Not poets who make a rainbow.
Robbed of pellets of condensed amber,
they can neither pray nor prophesy.
But see how at night space diminishes,
slides and falls. And keeps falling.
Who knows why in the morning necklaces are
so lucid ? Paper more white ?


Ljubljana has ships, and a sea,
which is dressed as a river
so that it can heal our wounds.
Word-thieves want people to pick at ink.
Not poets who make a rainbow.
Robbed of pellets of condensed amber,
they can neither pray nor prophesy.
But see how at night space diminishes,
slides and falls. And keeps falling.
Who knows why in the morning necklaces are
so lucid ? Paper more white ?
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère